4D Euclidean space

Polytope of the Month

This month we present another 4D Catalan polychoron, this time from the tesseract family:

The Rhombipyramidal

This is the rhombipyramidal hecatonenneacontadichoron, the dual of the runcitruncated tesseract. It is bounded by 192 skew rhombic pyramids, 480 polygons, 368 edges, and 80 vertices. Find out more about this pretty polychoron on the rhombipyramidal hecatonenneacontadichoron page!

Full algebraic coordinates are given, as usual.


POVRay-migration status

4D visualization document95%
Regular polychora100%
4D geometric objects55%

The 4D FAQ

If you're new here, you may find it helpful to consult the 4D FAQ, which explains what this site is about.

4D Visualization

Ever wondered how to visualize 4-dimensional space? It's not as difficult as it may sound at first! Read the 4D Visualization pages to find out more.

4D Objects

These pages contain information about various 4D objects and many images of their projections into 3D.

4D Stories


Last updated 03 Sep 2024.

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