Tatari Faran: the Language of Fara


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Orthography [IPA] Definition

aa [ʔaː]

interj. an exclam. of disgust or fright.

aba [ʔa.ˈba]

post. under, underneath.

aha' [ʔa.ˈhaʔ]

fin. to surprise, to shock. See: kukai, kukas.

aha'ai [ʔa.ˈha.ʔaj]

v. to surprise, to startle, to shock, to impress. See: beitata.

ahai [ʔa.ˈhaj]

fin. to do smth., whatever, whatsoever. See: kakai.
See also: beihai.

ahi [ʔa.ˈhi]

adv. suddenly, surprisingly, shockingly.

ahu [ʔa.ˈhu]

fin. to blow (with air, or wind). See: fire, sakat.

ahua' [ʔa.ˈhwaʔ]

*Common masc. name.

ai [ˈʔaj]

(1) interj. yes; (2) adv. indeed; (3) fin. it is so. (4) conj. emphatic particle, indeed.
See also: bai.

ai'ai [ʔaj.ʔaj]

fin. to persuade, to convince. See: be'atai, kuebeitai, nia'itai, pojei, tatarai.

aibai [ʔaj.ˈbaj]

fin. to find out if true, to discern between right and wrong. See: seitai, tsuta.

aipam [ˈʔaj.pam]

v. to pursue after, to chase. See: inui.
See also: tujui.

airan [ʔaj.ɾan]

fin. with freshness, with vitality, dynamic. See: inas, kusa', miranai, miras, suhaa, suhitai.

airan imim [ˈʔaj.ɾan ʔi.mim]

“Wakefully slumber”. Paradoxical expr. describing the dream-like state after a whole night's sleeplessness.

aire [ˈʔaj.ɾɛ]

v. to freshen, to refresh.

airis [ʔaj.ˈɾis]

adj. young and fresh. See: nueri.

aisu [ʔ]

fin. bleeding, bloodily. See: hutakas, misuete.

aka [ʔa.ˈka]

post. out from, out of, away from.
See also: ebe.

akai [ʔa.kaj]

fin. to cause to depart, to disperse, to dispel. See: tujui.

akaisu [ʔa.ˈ]

v. to bleed. See: kora.

akan [ʔa.kan]

fin. to come out. See: ekas.

akatai [ʔa.ˈka.taj]

v. to assemble, to build, to join, to attach component parts to each other. See: ite'.

akatai umai [ʔa.ˈka.taj ʔu.maj]

*v. to build again, to repair, to fix. See: akatai, umai.

akei [ʔa.kej]

*Contraction of ai and kei.

akitai [ʔa.ˈki.taj]

v. to leave, to depart, to embark. See: anui1.

ako' [ʔa.ˈkɔʔ]

n. chicken.

ako' kakatan [ʔa.ˈkɔʔ ka.ˈka.tan]

masc. n. turkey.
See also: kakatan.

aku' [ʔa.kuʔ]

fin. to be hit on the head. See: patam.

akuka [ʔa.ˈku.ka]

v. to climb (a ladder, a tree). See: anan.

akun [ʔa.ˈkun]

post. (1) behind, beyond. (2) + temp. expr. - after (a given period of time).

am [ʔam]

fin. to yawn. See: huuja'a.

amaa [ʔa.ˈmaː]

fem. n. mother.

amai [ʔa.ˈmaj]

fin. to pardon, to clear one's debt, to make a settlement. See: sabaa.

aman [ʔ]

fin. cordially. See: hanitai, jaisu', sabaa, tsinai.

-an [an]

gen. suffix.

anai [ˈʔa.naj]

v. to hold up, to hold high, to display, to show. See: fata.

anan [ʔa.nan]

fin. “upwards”, “up to the top”. See: tapa.

anatari [ʔˈɾi]

masc. n. context (of a text, story, etc.). Portamenteau of anan + ta'an + tari. Refers primarily to written text.
See also: iritari.

anatari sa iritari si'ei [ʔˈɾi sa ʔi.ɾi.ˈta.ɾi siʔej]

*The details, collection of information, the body of evidence, documentation. The set of all relevant information or evidence surrounding a particular event or (usu. criminal) case in an investigation, judgment, or legal/formal proceedings. See: anatari, iritari.

aneho [ʔa.ˈnɛ.hɔ]

*Common masc. name.

anei [ʔa.nej]

*Contraction of ai and nei.

aniin [ʔa.niːn]

fin. to speak, to impart sense, to make sense. Also used to terminate quoted discourse. See: dana, tsana.
See also: e'aniin.

antai [ˈʔan.taj]

v. to defend, to protect, to block (smth. unwanted), to prevent. See: sata.

antam [ʔan.ˈtam]

fin. to be handsome. See: tepas.

antas [ˈʔan.tas]

fin. to blocked, to prevent, to be barrier. See: be'itai.

anui1 [ʔa.ˈnuj]

fin. to head toward a goal, to be directed, to lead the way. See: akitai, tuhanai.

anui2 [ʔa.ˈnuj]

adv. upwards.

apa [ʔa.ˈpa]

post. on, on top of, resting on.
See also: ata, ura.

apai [ʔa.ˈpaj]

masc. n. loud yelling, loud shout.

apara' [ʔˈraʔ]

v. to waddle, to stumble along in uncertain, clumsy steps, to walk with unsteady steps. Usu. used to describe the unsure steps of a toddler. See: ijan.

apia [ʔa.ˈpja]

fem. n. niece (sibling's daughter).

ara [ʔa.ˈɾa]

post. with (a wielded weapon or instrument), using.

araf [ʔa.ˈɾaf]

v. (1) araf daa - to shout, to call. (2) araf atan - to howl (of a wolf), to wail loudly (of an upset child).

arai [ʔa.ɾaj]

fin. comprehensively, extensively. See: ma'anai.

aram [ʔa.ɾam]

fin. to behold. See: hamra.

arap [ˈʔa.ɾap]

v. to pick up, to take (smth.). Taker in rcp., thing taken in cvy., place or person taken from in org.. See: ikat.

arapau [ʔa.ɾa.ˈpao]

neut. n. possessions, things being carried, what is gathered.

ari' [ʔa.ˈɾiʔ]

fem. n. daughter, younger daughter, baby daughter.
See also: niari'.

arua' [ʔa.ˈɾwaʔ]

*Common masc. name.

aruanarin [ʔa.ɾˈɾin]

n. singer, musician, performer, poet.
See also: duanei, iruanis.

arui [ʔa.ˈɾuj]

fin. to be wiped off, to be expelled. See: kasai, pikitas.

arum [ʔa.ɾum]

fin. to mumble. See: mumpai.

asa [ʔa.ˈsa]

post. among, in the midst of, in the company of.

asai [ʔa.saj]

fin. reddeningly, of a crimson, bloody color. See: karat.

asei [ʔa.sej]

*Contraction of ai and sei.

asi [ˈʔ]

masc. n. brother-in-law (wife's younger brother).

asira [ʔa.ˈsi.ɾa]

fem. n. pond, puddle.

asu [ʔ]

fin. fluently, smoothly, expertly. See: heinai, pamra, tiarap, hiu'e, susan.

asusei [ʔa.ˈsu.sej]

*Irregular cvy. of asusu.

asusu [ʔa.ˈ]

fem. n. river, stream.

asuen [ʔa.ˈsɯn]

masc. n. younger brother.

ata [ʔa.ˈta]

post. over, above.
See also: apa.

atai [ʔa.ˈtaj]

(1) post. like, similar to; (2) adv. similarly, likewise.

atam [ʔa.tam]

fin. strike against smth.. See: paritam.

atan [ʔa.tan]

fin. “sorrowfully”, “grievously”. See: araf, daramai, suran, buaha, misuete, nirus.

ati [ʔa.ti]

conj. meanwhile, in the meantime.

atu [ʔa.ˈtu]

post. falling off of, taken off from, plucked out from.

atu' [ʔa.tuʔ]

fin. to cough. See: kuka'.

atu'an [ʔa.ˈtu.ʔan]

masc. n. cough, sore throat, cold (illness).
See also: tsihan, tu'a'.

atuan [ʔa.ˈtwan]

post. (1) in front of, ahead of. (2) + temp. expr. - before (a given time).

atsam [ʔa.ʦam]

fin. “to belch”. See: karo'a.

atsun [ˈʔa.ʦun]

v. (1) to float, to swim; (2) to ride a boat. See: puipui.

au'au [ʔao.ʔao]

fin. to bark. See: boha.

auti [ˈʔao.ti]

adv. until (a certain time, event).

ba'as [ˈ]

fem. n. edible fruit.

ba'asat [ba.ˈʔa.sat]

adj. sweet (taste), fruity. See: nari.

ba'u [ˈba.ʔu]

fem. n. stool, chair.

baan [ˈbaːn]

fem. n. grandmother, old lady.
See also: omasa'.

baasa [ˈbaː.sa]

adj. big, large, huge. See: tura.

baba [ba.ˈba]

masc. n. father.

bafa [ˈba.fa]

v. to yell, to shout, to scream. See: daa.
See also: araf.

bahai [ˈba.haj]

neut. n. nothing.
See also: hai.

bahakia [ba.ha.ˈkja]

masc. n. conquest, war, battle.

bahakitas [ba.ha.ˈki.tas]

v. to wage war, to carry out a conquest. See: daharan.

bahan [ba.han]

fin. to be courageous, to be tough and strong. See: kuhaa'i.

bai [ˈbaj]

(1) interj. no, not; (2) fin. it is not so, indeed not.
See also: ai.

bai'an [ˈbaj.ʔan]

fin. to be in a shameful, perverted state, to be led astray. See: kiruete.

bai'as [ˈbaj.ʔas]

neut. n. (1) mistake, error, wrongdoing, fault. (2) Untruth, lie.
See also: parikas, kuebai.

baibai [baj.ˈbaj]

fin. to be shameful, to be shunned, to be avoided. See: nekare, nekitai, sianas, sisiat.

baisu [baj.ˈsu]

fem. n. pus, rot, menstrual fluids; rotten, malodorous fruit juice; any malodorous, discolored fluid from rotting organic matter.

bama [ˈ]

v. to embrace, to hug. See: jinai.

bana [ˈ]

v. to carry, to bring along. See: ikat.

bania [ba.ˈnja]

*Common fem. name.

banta [ˈban.ta]

v. (1) banta tiap - to jump, to leap; (2) banta panpan - to bounce.

banti' [ban.ˈtiʔ]

n. (1) a jumpy, energetic young child; (2) nickname given to such a child.

banua [ˈba.nwa]

masc. n. grandson.

banus [ba.ˈnus]

fem. n. a sweet, red-orange fruit distantly related to peach or plum.

bara [ˈba.ɾa]

quant. (1) (indefinite) some of, a part of, a subset of; (2) (definite) the rest of, the remainder of.
See also: na'.

baran [ˈba.ɾan]

masc. n. (1) morning, daybreak; (2) day. See: saan.

baran hara [ˈba.ɾan ha.ɾa]

adv. the next day, tomorrow. Lit., “tomorrow morning”.
See also: hara.

baran saan [ˈba.ɾan saːn]

“It is morning.”
See also: saan.

baranui [ba.ɾa.ˈnuj]

adv. eastward, towards the sunrise.

barat [ba.ɾat]

adj. large and hefty (of a man). See: ukan.

baripai [ba.ˈɾi.paj]

v. to cook, to prepare food. See: sarapi.

bat [ˈbat]

adv. to stop, to be interrupted. See: ha, irei.
See also: ibat.

bata [ba.ta]

fin. to tread. See: tapa.

bata' [ba.taʔ]

masc. n. village chief, boss, manager, someone in a prominent position.

batsiu [ba.ˈʦju]

n. insect, bug (esp. flightless insects). Masc./fem. used according to whether the insect is larger/smaller.

be []

post. negation ptcl.

be'an [ˈbɛ.ʔan]

fin. in disagreement, in rejection, to decline. See: nura'.

be'as [ˈbɛ.ʔas]

neut. n. lie, untruth, falsehood, deception.

be'atai [bɛ.ˈʔa.taj]

v. to tell a lie, to deceive, to misrepresent, to assert what is false. See: ai'ai.

be'itai [bɛ.ˈʔi.taj]

v. to reject, to decline, to refuse, to disagree. See: antas.

bebe [ˈbɛ.ˈbɛ]

v. to thresh, to beat out, to shake loose. See: saraa.

bei- [ˈbej]

fin. negation prefix.

beihai [ˈbej.haj]

fin. negation of ahai. See: kakai.

beiko [ˈbej.kɔ]

*Contraction of be and ko.

beinin [bej.nin]

fin. quietly, unheard. See: hitai.

beino [ˈbej.nɔ]

*Contraction of be and no.

beipa' [ˈbej.paʔ]

adv. aimlessly, headed nowhere, for naught, achieving nothing, futilely.
See also: tapa.

beipai [ˈbej.paj]

neut. n. nowhere, nonexistent place, nonesuch place.

beira [ˈbej.ɾa]

neut. n., stone, rock, pebble.

beisi []

*Contraction of be and isi (occurs in the verb-initial imperative mood).

beiso [ˈbej.sɔ]

*Contraction of be and so.

beitata [ˈbej.ta.ta]

fin. speechlessly, at a loss for words, beyond description. See: aha'ai.

bejin [ˈbɛ.ʣin]

neut. n. swindler, conman, smooth-talker, deceiver, liar.
See also: najat.

beka [bɛ.ka]

adv. strong negative imperative marker, “must not”.

beman [bɛ.man]

adv. “unable to”, “cannot”, “it is impossible for”.
See also: epan.

ben [bɛn]

nominal negation marker; not, none of, no, without.

bera [bɛ.ɾa]

conj. otherwise, or else, if not.

berana [bɛ.ˈɾ]

v. (1) berana ham - to wait, to take a break, to pause. (2) berana nisue - to await (in fear, anxiety, anticipation), to anticipate or expect (smth. undesired).

beta' [ˈbɛ.taʔ]

v. (1) beta' patsa - to punch, to strike, to hit. Weapon or limb in cvy. (2) beta' daharan - to fight (esp. of hand-to-hand combat), to wrestle.

beti' [ˈbɛ.tiʔ]

fem. n. misspelling, misplaced or wrong stroke in writing, miscalculation. Compare kuebai.
See also: ti'.

biamas [ˈbja.mas]

adj. freshly cooked, delicious, tasty. Refers to hot, freshly cooked food. Compare sarap. See: sarapi.

bibi [ˈbi.ˈbi]

fem. n. doll, effigy, toy figure.

bibi' [bi.ˈbiʔ]

v. to scamper, to run about, to move about (of a small, fast animal). See: i'im.
See also: pamra.

bihas [bi.ˈhas]

adj. bihas kiki - spicy, hot (taste).

bihuun [bi.ˈhuːn]

neut. n. (1) powdered pepper; (2) any strongly aromatic powder, esp. with pepper-like spicy and sneeze-inducing properties.

binap [bi.ˈnap]

neut. n., clay, mud.

binapan1 [ˈ]

neut. n. clay tablet, often used for inscriptions.

binapan2 [bi.ˈna.pan]

*gen. of binap.

binasu [ˈsu]

masc. n. mudflow, lahar. See: karinaras.

binasu humpa []

“A mudflow is happening/coming.” Esp. in describing an impending destruction caused by the flooding of mud. See: humpa.

biraf [ˈbi.ɾaf]

fem. n. leaf, leaves.

birafu' [ˈbi.ɾa.fuʔ]

fem. n. leaf flute. A leaf blown as a musical instrument.
See also: firitai.

birap [ˈbi.ɾap]

masc. n. food, solid food.

biri [ˈbi.ɾi]

fem. n. feather.
See also: birian.

birian [bi.ˈɾjan]

fem. n. plumage.
See also: biri.

bisurap [bi.ˈsu.ɾap]

neut. n. (1) daily necessities, basic needs, essentials; (2) staple diet, sustenance. Portamenteau of birap + surap.

bo' [ˈbɔʔ]

neut. n. wood, log.

bo'an [ˈbɔ.ʔan]

fin. to be wooden, to have the appearance of wood. See: kumat.

bo'as [ˈbɔ.ʔas]

adj. wooden, made of wood. See: kuman.

boha [ˈbɔ.ha]

v. to bark. See: au'au.

bu'u [ˈbu.ʔu]

fem. n. ball, round lump.

bua [bwa]

v. to boil, to seethe. See: bufat.

bua' [bwaʔ]

fin. to discard, to dispose, to waste, to disperse. See: tukai.

bua'a' [ˈbwa.ʔaʔ]

v. (1) bua'a' kirue - to vomit, to throw up, to be seriously ill; (2) bua'a' ehai - to cast out (of society), to excommunicate.
See also: kafetsai.

buaha [ˈbwa.ha]

v. buaha atan - to sob, to wail.

buanas [ˈbwa.nas]

num. five hundred (500).

buapas [ˈbwa.pas]

n. loafer, worthless person, wastrel.

buape [ˈbwa.pɛ]

v. to waste time, to be idle, to poke around aimlessly, to be negligent, to hesitate. Lit., to pour away time. See: hiam.

buara [ˈbwa.ɾa]

masc. n. large, erupting volcano.

buaranui [ˈbwa.ɾa.nui]

adv. toward the volcano. (1) In Southern Fara, understood as “northward”. (2) In Northern Fara, understood as “southward”.

buarat [ˈbwa.ɾat]

fem. n. onion, esp. the bulb part of the plant.

bubu' [bu.ˈbuʔ]

v. (1) to sprinkle (condiments); (2) to beat (an herb) into powder form. See: firei.

bubua [bu.ˈbwa]

neut. n. a boiling mud pool.

bufaa [bu.ˈfaː]

masc. n. smoke.

bufat [bu.ˈfat]

fin. billowing. See: bua, tahan.

buha [bu.ha]

fin. to be hefty, with stability, with gravity. See: juma.

buja1 [ˈbu.ʣa]

n. the bottom part, the lower half. The gender usu. follows the (grammatical) gender of the n. whose part it is referring to.
See also: faja.

buja2 [ˈbu.ʣa]

fin. to be pregnant. See: minat.

bumei [ˈbu.mej]

v. to sit. See: utu'.

bunaheibikahujas [ˈˌbi.ka.ˈhu.ʣas]

num. sixty-two (62).

bunaheibikas [ˈˌbi.kas]

num. twelve (12).

bunai [bu.ˈnai]

masc. n. thumb. See: jiri.

bunapikas [ˈ]

num. seven (7).

bunapikatis [ˈ]

*num. one-seventh (1/7).

bunari [ˈɾi]

fem. n. adult woman.
See also: samat.

bunaribikas [ˈɾi.ˌbi.kas]

num. seventeen (17).

bunas [bu.ˈnas]

num. two (2).

buneis [bu.ˈnejs]

fem. n. giant mushroom. An edible species of giant agaric with a brown cap that grows up to several feet in diameter and a thick, short stem, usu. found in forests at high altitudes.

bunka' [bun.ˈkaʔ]

fin. clumsy, tumbling, blunt. See: jo'.

bura [ˈbu.ɾa]

masc. n. large rock, volcanic bomb, boulder.

burataras [bu.ɾa.ˈta.ɾas]

n. landslide, rockslide, avalanche.

burataras humpa [bu.ɾa.ˈta.ɾas ˈ]

exclam. “There's a landslide!”, “there's a rockslide!”, “there's an avalanche!”. See: humpa.

burut [bu.ˈɾut]

adj. fat, well-fed (of animals, esp. for eating). Compare busan. See: sarapi.

bus [ˈbus]

adj. dry, dried (food, animal skin, etc.). See: hiis.

busai [bu.ˈsaj]

fin. to be constricted, to be bound, to be captured. See: tasa.

busan [bu.ˈsan]

adj. fat, well-fed (of people). Compare burut. See: miin.

busanan [bu.ˈsa.nan]

masc. n. a fat man.

busanaran [bu.ˈɾan]

*gen. of busanan.

busu [bu.ˈsu]

fem. n. milk.

buta' [bu.ˈtaʔ]

fem. n. house, hut, dwelling place.

butsi [ˈbu.ˈʦi]

fem. n. thigh (of an animal).

buun [buːn]

fem. n. cauldron, cooking pot.

bue'a [ˈbɯ.ʔa]

v. (1) bue'a muun to swallow, to gulp down. (2) bue'a kuun to drink.

da [da]

*Assimilated form of na. See: na.

da'ue [ˈda.ʔɯ]

masc. n. personified terror, a terrible being, a monster, an evil spirit.

daa [daː]

fin. to cry out. See: araf, bafa.

dafa [da.ˈfa]

neut. n. dirt, dust, filth. See: herafa.

dafan []

fin. dusty, powdery, filthy. See: muras.

daha [ˈda.ha]

masc. n. shoulder.

dahara [da.ˈha.ɾa]

masc. n. a strong, fearsome man, champion, hero.

daharai [da.ˈha.ɾaj]

adj. fierce, strong, having brute strength. See: ka'uan.

daharan [da.ha.ɾan]

fin. to show brute strength. See: bahakitas.

daiman [ˈ]

*Common masc. name.

dakat [da.kat]

fin. to transact, to complete a negotiation, to consummate. See: kuini, upitai.

dam [dam]

fin. graceful, swift. See: jini.

dama [ˈ]

v. to tie (a rope around), to knot. See: busai.
See also: param.

damai [da.ˈmaj]

fin. to be gathered, to come together. See: mihat.

dana [ˈ]

v. to answer, to respond, to reply. See: aniin.

dankau [dan.ˈkao]

v. to collide, to hit (an obstacle). See: patsa.

darai [da.ɾai]

fin. dragging, bumping, leaving drag tracks in the ground. See: kure'.

daramai [ˈda.ɾa.maj]

v. to grieve, to bemoan, to wail, to lament, to mourn. Often implies a long, elaborate, or recurring remiscience of bereavement or tragedy. See: atan.

daran [da.ɾan]

fin. to elaborate, to compose. See: ku'i, tsana.

daranas [ˈda.ɾa.nas]

num. six hundred and twenty-five (625).

datan [ˈda.tan]

neut. n. color, appearance.

dei [dej]

*Assimilated form of nei. See: nei.

deira [ˈdej.ɾa]

masc. n. brother-in-law (husband's older brother).

di' [ˈdiʔ]

masc. n. son.
See also: teiri'.

di'a [ˈdi.ʔa]

quant. a few (used of people).
See also: pita.

di'an [di.ˈʔan]

fin. to repeat a few times, to make a quick, short gesture. See: pepa'.

di'apikas [ˈdi.ʔa.pi.kas]

num. eight (8).

di'apikatis [ˈdi.ʔa.pi.ka.tis]

*num. one-eighth (1/8).

di'as [ˈdi.ʔas]

num. three (3).

di'in [di.ʔin]

fin. silence, to become quiet. See: kinap.

di'is [ˈdi.ʔis]

num. one-third.

di'itis [ˈdi.ʔi.tis]

*part. of di'is.

diaba [dja.ˈba]

masc. n. grease.

diabas [dja.ˈbas]

adj. greasy, sticky. See: sisi'.

dibikas [di.ˈbi.kas]

num. fifteen (15).

diin [diːn]

3rd pers. anim. pl. pron., “they”, “those”.
See also: fei.

dintai [ˈdin.taj]

v. to harvest, to cut, to mow. See: ukup.

diru [ˈdi.ɾu]

fem. n. maiden, girl.

disuu [ˈdi.suː]

*Common fem. name.

diti [ˈdi.ti]

adv. a little bit, for a little while.

diti iti [ˈdi.ti ʔi.ˈti]

adv. in a little bit, in a few moments, soon.

do []

*Assimilated form of no. See: no.

do'a [ˈdɔ.ʔa]

masc. n. hook, shepherd's crook, walking stick.

domatai [dɔ.ma.ˈtaj]

neut. n. cart, carriage.

dua' [ˈdwaʔ]

*Short form of the name arua'.

duanei [ˈdwa.nej]

fem. n. (duani before case ptcl., mei, fei) song, melody.
See also: iruanis.

duani [ˈ]

*euph. contraction of duanei before case ptcl., mei, or fei. See: duanei.

duanitari [ˈta.ɾi]

neut. n. lyrics, words to a poem.

dui [ˈduj]

v. (1) dui bata - to move forward, to advance, to approach. (2) dui inui - to advance toward a goal, to stalk, to creep forward.

dukun [ˈdu.kun]

masc. n. male servant.

dunan [du.nan]

fin. to expire, to be finished. See: funum1, mire', peka', suha'.

dunaran [ˈɾan]

neut. n. death, termination.

dunas [ˈdu.nas]

adj. dead, deceased. See: tsuen.

dunasan [ˈ]

collec. neut. n., the deceased, the departed.

duru [du.ɾu]

adj. (1) slow, delaying. (2) long (of time). See: darai.

dusa [ˈ]

post. along, following the direction of, alongside.

dusan [du.ˈsan]

fin. missed, misaimed, passed by, overlooked. See: tapa.
See also: paka be.

dusu []

fin. trailingly, following behind. See: suka, kunikuni.

dutan [ˈdu.tan]

v. to hear. See: inin.

dutarutan [du.ta.ˈɾu.tan]

v. (1) dutarutan tipai - to be well acquainted with, to have heard a lot about. (2) dutarutan hiras, dutarutan uesan - to have heard an earful of, to be tired of hearing about smth, to have heard enough of.
See also: dutan.

duum [ˈduːm]

v. to sleep (involitional). Sleeper in rcp.. See: imim.
See also: urum.

e [ʔɛ]

ptcl. (1) Marks the start of quoted discourse. (2) Introduces an elaboration; “that is”, “that is to say”, “as follows”. See: e'aniin, eraa, e'ai.

e'ai [ˈʔɛ.ʔaj]

*fin. Marks the end of an elaboration introduced by e. Often contracted to just ai. See: e.

e'aniin [ˈʔɛ.ʔa.niːn]

fin. Marks the end of quoted discourse. Often contracted to just aniin. See: e.

e'atan [ˈʔɛ.ʔa.tan]

*fin. Marks end of quoted discourse. See: e.

ebe [ʔɛ.ˈbɛ]

post. issuing forth from, oozing out from, emerging from. Usually applied to liquids, or smth. continually emerging from the governed referent, rather than the more general aka.
See also: aka.

eha' [ˈʔɛ.haʔ]

neut. n. wilderness, wasteland. Refers to the desolated region in central Fara which is continually devastated by lava flows and pyroclastic flows from the central volcano.

ehai [ʔɛ.haj]

fin. to be cast out, cast away, to be sent away. See: kafetsai.

ehe [ʔɛ.hɛ]

interj. Variously used to express acknowledgement, hesitation, or derision. Always pronounced with low pitch.

ei [ʔej]

(1) post. nominal conj., “and”, “also”. Follows case clitic of modified NP. (2) adv. “also”. Note that it can only occur in adverbial position in this usage, not as a conj..

ei'a [ˈʔej.ʔa]

n. pet (animal).

eimei [ʔej.mej]

fin. to stand back. See: kibe.

ein [ʔejn]

adv. to like (to do smth.), happily.
See also: tsinai, uenai.

eina [ˈʔ]

fem. n. peace, happiness.

eina jain [ˈʔ ʣajn]

“Hope it will be well with you”, “get well”, “wish you the best”.

eina' [ʔej.naʔ]

fin. to twist, to be warped. See: kero', kuta', uke.

einan1 [ˈʔej.nan]

*gen. of eina.

einan2 [ˈʔej.nan]

*archaic adj. satisfied, restful.

eipai [ʔej.paj]

fin. to survey, to look over a large area, to scan the surroundings. See: jana.

eka [ʔɛ.ka]

adv. (1) strong imperative marker, “must”; (2) surely, obviously.

ekas [ˈʔɛ.kas]

v. to emerge, to appear, to come out from one's habitat or hiding place. See: akan.

eke [ˈʔɛ.kɛ]

post. (1) across the surface of, along the surface of; (2) + temp. expr., for the duration of, over a (time) period of.

ena [ʔɛ.na]

conj. introduces an elaboration of an argument NP or phrase.
See also: eta.

ene' [ʔɛ.ˈnɛʔ]

*Common fem. name.

epan [ʔɛ.pan]

adv. “able to”, “it is possible for”, “can”.
See also: beman.

era [ʔɛ.ɾa]

adv. “if”, “maybe”. If follows subjunctive v., means “if”; if follows indicative v., means “maybe”.

eraa [ʔɛ.ɾaː]

fin. marks end of quoted discourse. See: araf, daa.

erui [ʔɛ.ˈɾuj]

post. through the midst of, across the extent of (an area).

esan [ʔɛ.san]

fin. to hand over. See: kira.

esasai [ʔɛ.ˈsa.saj]

v. to stretch (oneself), to do stretches, to exercise. See: ka'uan.

esei [ʔɛ.ˈsej]

adj. long, stretched. See: uetuen.

eta [ʔɛ.ta]

conj. introduces an afterthought, or elaboration of the subject NP.
See also: ena.

etipai [ʔɛ.ti.ˈpaj]

*fin. Marks end of an elaboration introduced by e. See: e.

faan [ˈfaːn]

pron. 1st pers. inclusive pl. pron., “we all”, “everyone”, “all (of us)”.
See also: mana.

fafa [ˈfa.fa]

v. to fly about, to flap the wings. Compare: hiu'e. See: heinei.

fahun [fa.ˈhun]

v. to smell (involitive), to catch the scent of. See: uen1.
See also: huena.

fai [faj]

fin. (1) skywards, reaching the heavens. (2) heavenly. See: firat, teiria', tuharas.

fai'as [ˈfaj.ʔas]

neut. n. truth, right (legal right, that which is fair, proper), uprightness, that which is correct.

faiha'ai [faj.ˈhaʔ.aj]

masc. n. authority, power, right (to rule or ownership).
See also: fais, ha'ai.

fainan [faj.ˈnan]

n. benefactor, good person.

fainan tse [faj.ˈnan ʦɛ]

“Thank you”.
See also: fainan.

fais [ˈfajs]

adj. correct, right, proper, true, good. See: ijun.

faisu' [faj.ˈsuʔ]

v. to thank, to be grateful to. See: mahan.

faja [fa.ˈʣa]

n. the top part, the upper part, the top half. The gender usu. follows the (grammatical) gender of the n. whose part is being referred to.
See also: buja1.

fan'ai [ˈfan.ʔaj]

v. (1) fan'ai tipai - to invent, to create, to solve (a problem, question, situation), to discover (a solution to a problem); (2) fan'ai kakat - to dream up, to contrive. See: kakat, tipai.

fan'at [ˈfan.ʔat]

masc. n. new, novel idea; invention, creation, contrivance.

fana [ˈ]

adj. new, novel. See: kakat.

fanra [ˈfan.ɾa]

(1) n. a jittery earthquake. (2) v. to tremble, to emit a jittery earthquake. See: tunpa.

fara [ˈfa.ɾa]

neut. n. the Plain.

faranui [ˈfa.ɾa.nuj]

adv. downwards towards the Fara (Plain), downslope.

fasa [ˈ]

neut. n. (1) meat, flesh. (2) carcass, esp. of a freshly hunted animal.

fasat [ˈfa.sat]

adj. savory, meaty (taste). See: niman.

fata [fa.ˈta]

fin. to display, to make a show, to exhibit. See: anai, ona', uepa'.

fei [ˈfej]

(1) 3rd pers. inanim. pron. it; (2) dem. n. that, those. Used only for inanim. things. Used both as sg. and pl.; the pl. hefei is only used when one desires to emphasize its plurality.
See also: mei, diin, tara'.

feramu [fɛ.ˈɾ]

fem. n. dough.
See also: jiabat.

fere [ˈfɛ.ɾɛ]

masc. n. cake, bakery (as in the food).

fia [ˈfja]

*Common fem. name. See: fiajiniruteinisui.

fiajiniruteinisui [ˈfja.ʣɾu.tej.ˈni.suj]

*Name of legendary ancestor tekekuhakirakisan's daughter. Usually shortened to fia.

fifi [ˈfi.ˈfi]

neut. n. geyser.

fii [ˈfiː]

*archaic masc. n., the sky, the heavens. See: sinkan.

fiiranas [ˈfiː.ɾa.nas]

num. three thousand one hundred twenty-five (3125).

fijuen [ˈfi.ʣɯn]

fem. n. window.

fikei [fi.kej]

*Contraction of fei and kei. Only if modifying another n..

fimu' [ˈfi.muʔ]

masc. n. skylight, ceiling vent.

finei [fi.nej]

*Contraction of fei and nei. Only if modifying another n..

fipan [ˈfi.pan]

neut. n. roof, shelter.

fipe'an [ˈfi.pɛ.ʔan]

fem. n. season, time.

fipe'an ma'asanan iti [ˈfi.pɛ.ʔan ma.ˈʔ ʔi.ti]

*“Once upon a time” (lit. during the time of the forefathers).

firasa [ˈfi.ɾ]

fem. n. flower, blossom.

firat [ˈfi.ɾat]

adj. blue, sky blue. See: fai.

fire [ˈfi.ɾɛ]

v. to blow (used of wind or air). See: ahu.

firei [fi.ɾej]

fin. to be ground into fine powder, to have smooth, powdery form. See: tibas, bubu'.

firitai [ˈfi.ɾi.taj]

v. to play a leaf flute. Instrument or music in cvy. See: sunu.
See also: birafu'.

fisei [fi.sej]

*Contraction of fei and sei. Only if modifying another n..

fitap [ˈfi.tap]

v. to land on the ground on one's feet. See: ta'an.

fuan [ˈfwan]

fem. n. wife.

funa' [fu.ˈnaʔ]

n. dead person, usu. one who died peacefully or under the watch of caregivers or loved ones. Compare matsa'.
See also: dunasan.

funum1 [ˈfu.num]

v. to die (of disease or age). See: dunan.

funum2 [fu.ˈnum]

*archaic fem. n. death.

funumian [fu.ˈnu.mjan]

fem. n. death, decease.

fupas [ˈfu.pas]

neut. n. left, left-hand side.
See also: kupas.

furu [ˈfu.ɾu]

fem. n. wheel.

fusitas [fu.ˈsi.tas]

v. to burn (involitive). See: sohaa.
See also: habas.

fusus [fu.ˈsus]

adj. burnt, scorched, blackened (by fire). See: hubu.

ha [ha]

adv. to begin to, to start.
See also: irei, bat.

ha'ai [ˈha.ʔaj]

masc. n. law, regulation, requirement, demand, statement, obligation.

ha'am [ˈha.ʔam]

fin. to place an order, to lay down a requirement. See: terep.

ha'itai [ha.ˈʔi.taj]

v. to govern, to set up the rules, to lay down the law (on someone). See: ha'am.

haa [haː]

fin. to make noise, to make a loud sound. See: pepa'.

haara [ˈhaː.ɾa]

masc. n. loud noise, a roar.

haas [ˈhaːs]

adv. loudly.

haba []

adj. hot, searing (of an object). See: sisa'.

habas [ˈha.bas]

v. (1) habas saa - to set on fire, to ignite (volitive). (2) habas sarapi - to cook over fire.
See also: fusitas, tikas.

habat [ha.ˈbat]

fin. fitting, matching, befitting a particular purpose. See: sutsai.

hafat [ha.ˈfat]

masc. n. lava fountain, plume.

hai [haj]

neut. enclitic n. thing, object.
See also: bahai.

hainari [ˈɾi]

masc. collec. n. male relatives, kinsmen.
See also: jinari.

haipa [']

masc. n. uncle (father's brother).
See also: teiku.

haira [ˈhaj.ɾa]

masc. n. knowledge, education.

hairan [ˈhaj.ɾan]

fin. to know, to be knowledgeable, to be informed. See: jataa.

hairatuhan [ˈhaj.ɾa.tu.han]

neut. n. (1) research, quest for knowledge, development of a field of study; (2) the body of knowledge acquired as the culmination of such research; (3) a complete program of study.
See also: injai.

haitsa [ˈhaj.ʦa]

masc. n. father-in-law (wife's father).
See also: hiapa'.

hakin [ˈha.kin]

neut. n. front end, the near extremity.
See also: tsuekin.

ham [ham]

fin. to exhale. See: berana, kibas.

hami [ha.ˈmi]

neut. n. round plate, tray, or pad.

hamra [ˈham.ɾa]

v. (1) hamra aram - to see, to appear as. Seer in rcp., thing seen in org., and appearance in cvy. (2) hamra inan - to look familiar, to be recognized (org.) by someone (rcp.). See: aram.

hamrahamra [ham.ɾa.ˈham.ɾa]

v. (1) hamrahamra kakat (+ org.) - to show off, to make a display of oneself, to try to impress. Esp. used of women. (2) hamrahamra uesan (+ rcp.) - to have seen a lot of, to be tired of seeing.
See also: uepa'uepa'.

han [ˈhan]

n. friend, companion.

hanai [ˈha.naj]

n. neighbor, acquaintance, fellow townsman, fellow villager.

hanitai [ha.ˈni.taj]

v. (1) hanitai aman - to befriend, to acquiant (oneself with someone), to introduce (someone to someone else). (2) hanitai ai, hanitai jinai - to know (someone), to be acquianted with (someone).

hapas [ˈha.pas]

v. to harm, to injure, to hurt. See: karia.

hara [ha.ɾa]

temp. adv. in the future, tomorrow.
See also: baran hara, kana, nara.

haranara [ˈha.ɾɾa]

adv. day by day, continually, forever.

haras [ˈha.ɾas]

dem. n. (1) adj. the next, the one following; (2) adv. the following, as follows. Forward-pointing demonstrative.
See also: naras.

hatai [ˈha.taj]

v. to gather, to collect (into a pile, into a bunch, etc.), to put together, to pile up. See: upu.

hatse' [ˈha.ʦɛʔ]

masc. n. a man's hair.

hausi [ˈ]

fem. n. duck, swan, heron, pelican, or any of the birds that either swim or feed in water.

he- []

pl. n. prefix.

he' [ˈhɛʔ]

v. (1) to spit; (2) to show spite, to denigrate, to put down (a person), to despise. See: pisi.

hefei [hɛ.ˈfej]

pl. 3rd pers. pron. “those things”. Used only of inanim. objects. Emphatic pl. form of fei. See: fei.

hei'aniin [ˈhej.ʔa.niːn]

fin. to talk a lot. See: tsanatsana.

heibata [ˈ]

fin. to walk a lot, to walk to many places. See: tapatapa.

heibikahujas [hej.ˈbi.ka.ˌhu.ʣas]

num. sixty (60).

heibikas [hej.ˈbi.kas]

num. ten (10).

heibikatis [hej.ˈbi.ka.tis]

*num. one-tenth (1/10).

heinai [ˈhej.naj]

v. to glide through the air, to swoop. See: asu.

heinei [hej.nej]

fin. to glide through the air, to be airborne. See: fafa.

heiniras [hej.ˈni.ɾas]

num. two hundred and fifty (250).

heiranas [ˈhej.ɾa.nas]

num. one thousand eight hundred seventy-five (1875).

heka [ˈhɛ.ka]

neut. n. hedge, fence, enclosure.

hena [ˈhɛ.na]

conj. “and then”.

herafa [hɛ.ɾa.ˈfa]

neut. n. scum, dust, dirt.
See also: sitiran.

hi'a' [ˈhi.ʔaʔ]

neut. n. white poisonous mushroom.

hi'ia [ˈhi.ʔja]

(1) masc. n. goat, ram. (2) fem. n. sheep, lamb.

hiam [ˈhjam]

fin. to be wasteful, to be careless. See: buape, misuete.

hiapa' [ˈhja.paʔ]

masc. n. father-in-law (husband's father).

hibei [ˈhi.bej]

dem. n., another, the other.

hibis [hi.ˈbis]

adj. blind, blinded. See: pampa.

hiim [hiːm]

fin. to sniff. See: huena.

hiis [hiːs]

fin. to thirst, to dry up. See: bus, ibus, kaitai.

hikas [ˈhi.kas]

(1) masc. n. curse, misfortune, a deadly infectious disease. (2) adj. hikas kirue - accursed, tainted, diseased, infectious, imbued with a curse or pernicious attribute that causes or spreads harm or misfortune.

hike [ˈhi.kɛ]

fin. (1) to bring bad news, to bring ill, to cause trouble. (2) to cause discomfort. (3) to be in discord. See: keitis, nifas, numitai, piana', surat, tsaka, po'at, ikis, jatajataa, nuritai.

himas [ˈhi.mas]

adj. tall, high. See: tutu.

himei [ˈhi.mej]

fem. n. wing, wings (of a bird).

hina [ˈ]

fem. n. female servant, maid.

hina najis [ ˈna.ʣis]

fem. n. concubine, mistress.
See also: najin.

hinii [ˈhi.ˈniː]

adj. deaf, unresponsive. See: i'ia.

hira [ˈhi.ɾa]

*arch. masc. n. orphan.
See also: miji.

hirana [ˈhi.ɾ]

neut. n. (1) stratovolcano (any volcano large enough to reach the clouds), mountain. (2) the specific glaciated, snow-peaked stratovolcano located beyond the northern boundary of Fara.

hiranui [ˈhi.ɾa.nuj]

adv. northward, toward the stratovolcano. See: hirana.

hiras [ˈhi.ɾas]

fin. fading, fainting away, wearing off. See: nurai, ues1, jaka, dutarutan.

hirasan [ˈhi.ɾa.san]

neut. n. depression, chronic unhappiness, weariness, (mental) fatigue.

hiris [ˈhi.ɾis]

masc. adj. orphan. See: nirum.

hisa [ˈ]

fem. n. niece (spouse's sibling's daughter).

hitai [ˈhi.taj]

v. (1) hitai beinin - to whisper, to say in a low voice. (2) hitai hike - to speak behind one's back, to slander, to spread evil rumors.

hitse' [ˈhi.ʦɛʔ]

neut. n. household pest, usu. rat. Compare: tsukis.

hiu [ˈhju]

fin. falling through the air. See: tafa.

hiu'e [ˈhju.ʔɛ]

v. to fly (towards a destination), to hurtle through the air. Compare: fafa. See: asu.

ho [ˈhɔ]

neut. n. throat, lungs.
See also: hona.

ho' [ˈhɔʔ]

neut. n. (1) vomit; (2) refuse; pej. smth. worthless or detrimental that ought to be rejected or discarded.

ho'an [ˈhɔ.an]

masc. n. horror, nausea, gore.
See also: oho'.

ho'as [ˈhɔ.as]

adj. horrific, nauseating. See: kirue.

hona [ˈhɔ.na]

masc. n. sound, noise, voice (human), call (animal). Compare suna.
See also: ho.

hora [ˈhɔ.ɾa]

masc. n. cave, tunnel.

hu'ai [ˈhu.ʔaj]

v. hu'ai ja' - to dig, to unearth; hu'ai ju' - to mine (for gems); hu'ai hubu - to burrow (esp. of burrowing animals).

hu'is [ˈhu.ʔis]

fem. n. sulfur.
See also: hu'ue, punareis hu'uen.

hu'ue [ˈhu.ʔɯ]

masc. n. (1) stale, bad air, esp. air that causes choking or asphixiation. Compare: huhei. (2) poisonous gas, esp. from a fumarole, such as sulfur dioxide, concentrated carbon dioxide, or nitric oxide; (3) influence, esp. a detrimental or bad one.

huara [ˈhwa.ɾa]

fem. n. lake, sea, The Lake. (There is only one lake in Fara, located in the southern part of South Fara.)

huaranui [ˈhwa.ɾa.nuj]

adv. southward, toward the Lake. See: huara.

hubu [hu.bu]

fin. to be hidden, to be unseen, to be black and colorless (black is considered colorless), to turn into black coals. See: fusus, hu'ai.

hubus [ˈhu.bus]

masc. n. coals.
See also: tanta.

hufu [ˈhu.fu]

masc. n. breast, chest.

hufus [hu.ˈfus]

fin. to reach, to run abreast. See: tsatitai.

huhan [ˈhu.han]

v. to march triumphantly, to dance in triumph, to celebrate a victory. See: para.

huhei [hu.ˈhej]

fem. n. wind, air, esp. fresh air. Compare: hu'ue.

huhis [hu.ˈhis]

adj. cool, windy (weather). See: imi'.

huinin1 [ˈhuj.nin]

adj. pure, chaste. See: kirin.

huinin2 [huj.ˈnin]

fin. pure, chaste. See: tiras.

huinui [ˈhuj.nuj]

fin. to be confused, to be rearranged, to be mixed up, to be jumbled. See: kirakiru, tintan, uine'uine.

hujai [ˈhu.ʣai]

masc. n. a sack, a bag.

hujas [ˈhu.ʣas]

num. fifty (50).

humpa [ˈ]

fin. surging, esp. pertaining to a destructive surge or onslaught. See: jamas, karinaras, binasu, burataras.

huna [ˈ]

2nd pers. pl. pron. “all of you”, “you people”.

huni [ˈ]

fem. n. nose.

hunu []

fin. to have a big, round nose.

husu [hu.ˈsu]

v. to flow, to surge. See: pusu.

hutakas [ˈhu.ta.kas]

v. to fire (a projectile), to unleash (destruction), to smite, to strike, to blast. The fin. used depends on what is being used to strike, or the effect of striking. The usual fin. is aisu, “bloodily”, used to describe the gore of a violent fight. See: aisu.

hutaran [ˈhu.ta.ɾan]

masc. n. thunder, the noise caused by thunder. Lit., “that by which one smites”.
See also: siris.

huu [ˈhuː]

n. 1st person pron., “I”, “me”.

huuja'a [ˈhuː.ʣa.ʔa]

v. to yawn. See: am.

huun [ˈhuːn]

*gen. of huu, “mine”.

huena [ˈhɯ.na]

v. to sniff at, to smell (volitive). See: hiim.
See also: fahun.

i- [ʔi]

compositive prefix.

i' [ˈʔiʔ]

neut. n. straight horn (of an animal).

i'an [ˈʔi.ʔan]

neut. n. thorn, spike.

i'at [ˈʔi.ʔat]

masc. n. horn (musical instrument).

i'i [ʔi.ˈi]

post. according to, in the manner of, just as how.

i'ia [ˈʔi.ʔja]

fin. to be deaf, to shut out noise. See: hinii, kahaa.

i'im [ʔi.ˈʔim]

fin. to move about quickly, hopping from one thing to another. See: bibi'.

ia [ʔja]

fin. to be content. See: uenai, mahinai.

ibat [ʔi.ˈbat]

Alternate form of bat.

ibe [ˈʔi.bɛ]

nominal disj., “(exclusive) or”, “if not, then this”. Follows case clitic of NP.

ibi [ʔi.ˈbi]

post. together with, accompanied by. Refers to accompaniment with the topic NP.
See also: iki.

ibun [ˈʔi.bun]

neut. n. thirst.

ibus [ˈʔi.bus]

adj. thirsty. See: hiis.

ifi [ʔi.ˈfi]

post. outside, outside of.

ihai [ˈʔi.haj]

fem. n. loud screaming.

ihia [ʔi.hja]

fin. (1) to be out of breath; (2) to be in frustration. See: kiapitai, nekias, pahas, ues1.

iim [ʔiːm]

fin. “to stretch”, “to awake”. See: saba.

ija' [ˈʔi.ʣaʔ]

adj. short (in height), low. Compare pite'. See: nuen.

ijan [ʔi.ʣan]

fin. to be small in stature. See: misatas, apara'.

iji [ʔi.ˈʔʣi]

post. piercing into.
See also: uru.

ijiin [ʔi.ˈʣiːn]

fem. n. (1) moon; (2) + num., month.

ijun [ʔi.ˈʣun]

fin. upright, affirmative, firm, steadfastly. See: fais.

ikas [ʔi.kas]

fin. stretching long and thin like a stick. See: tuene.

ikat [ʔi.kat]

fin. holding in hand, grasping. See: arap, bana, tinju.

iki [ˈʔ]

post. with, accompanying. Refers to accompaniment with a non-topic NP.
See also: ibi.

iki' [ʔi.kiʔ]

fin. to make a screeching noise, to scratch with an unbearable sound. See: kere.

ikia [ʔi.ˈkja]

fem. n. itch, insect bite.

ikis [i.ˈkis]

adj. itchy. See: hike, kiki.

iko' [ʔi.ˈkɔʔ]

fem. n. egg.

imaisin [ˈʔi.maj.sin]

fem. n. winter, cold season.

imaisin akun [ˈʔi.maj.sin ʔa.kun]

*fem. n. spring (season). Lit. “after winter”.

imaisin atuan [ˈʔi.maj.sin ʔa.twan]

*fem. n. autumn, fall (season). Lit. “before winter”.

ime [ʔi.ˈmɛ]

fin. only, just, scant, limited, finite. See: pite'.

imi [ˈʔi.mi]

post. in, inside of, within (an object or person).
See also: ipai.

imi' [ʔi.miʔ]

fin. chilly (temperature), cooling. See: huhis.
See also: juju'.

imian [ʔi.mjan]

fem. n. sleep, rest.

imim [ʔi.mim]

fin. “slumber”. See: duum.

imis [ʔi.ˈmis]

adj. cold, freezing. See: juju'.

imuen [ʔi.ˈmɯn]

fin. affirmatively, positively, confidently, self-evidently. See: injat.

ina [ʔ]

adv. “please”, “I want” (imperative mood), “wish” (indicative).

ina' [ˈʔi.naʔ]

fem. n. younger sister.

inai [ʔi.naj]

fin. yellowing, of a bright color. See: pirat.

inaku [ˈʔ]

masc. n. lamp, street light.

inan [ʔi.nan]

fin. to be known, to have a name, to be revealed. See: mintai, hamra.

inas [ˈʔi.nas]

adj. bright, shiny. See: airan.

inia [ʔi.ˈnja]

fem. n. granddaughter.

inia' [ʔi.ˈnjaʔ]

n. (1) masc. valley; (2) fem. ravine.

inin [ʔi.nin]

fin. “to hear”. See: dutan.

injai [ˈʔin.ʣaj]

neut. n. apprenticeship, training.
See also: hairatuhan.

injas [ˈʔin.ʣas]

n. apprentice, student.
See also: jataa, jatas.

injat [ˈʔin.ʣat]

v. to know (by learning), to affirm the truth of, to believe. Compare hanitai ai, purutai nitai. See: imuen.

inu [ʔ]

fin. to enter. See: turei.

inui [ʔi.nuj]

fin. forwards, focused towards a goal. See: aipam, dui, nura'.

inuu [ˈʔi.nuː]

(1) fem. n. sister-in-law (wife's younger sister); (2) masc. m. brother-in-law (husband's younger brother).
See also: nira.

ipai [ˈʔi.paj]

post. at, in, within the boundary of (a geographical location).
See also: imi.

ipi [ʔi.ˈpi]

post. beside, adjacent to, next to.

ipi' [ʔi.piʔ]

fin. to edge towards, to slowly spread. See: pere', sasarai.

ira [ʔi.ɾa]

fin. (1) to be seen, to be found. (2) to be (only in statements of being). See: tsuni.

iranas [ˈʔi.ɾa.nas]

adj. sweet-smelling, fragrant. See: muin.

iraneis [ˈʔi.ɾa.nejs]

neut. n. fragrance.

irei [ʔi.ˈɾej]

adv. to continue to, continuingly, to resume to.
See also: ha, bat.

iri [ʔi.ˈɾi]

post. around, near, in the vicinity of.

iritari [ʔi.ɾi.ˈta.ɾi]

fem. n. circumstances, specifics of a situation at the time and/or place of a particular event. Usu. refers speech or more abstract circumstances.
See also: anatari.

iruanis [ˈʔi.ɾwa.nis]

fem. n. (1) musical performance, concert, recital; (2) recitation of poetry.
See also: duanei, aruanarin.

-is [is]

part. suffix.
See also: -s.

isa [ʔ]

*Contraction of isi and sa.

isei [ʔi.sej]

*Contraction of isi and sei.

isi [ʔ]

conj. “because”. Occurs in both the cause clause and the result clause. The fin. is omitted from the cause clause but present in the result clause as a manner of emphasis. When the topic NP is present, isi occurs immediately following; when the topic NP has been elided, isi begins the clause and takes the case ptcl. as a modifier.

isia' [ʔi.ˈsjaʔ]

*Common fem. name.

isin [ʔi.sin]

fin. to gossip, to chatter. See: sisita, tsitsit.

iso [ʔi.sɔ]

*Contraction of isi and so.

isu [ʔ]

fin. wrenchingly, to have a wrenching sensation. See: puat.

ita [ˈʔi.ta]

post. on the surface of, onto the surface of (esp. used of etching, carving, or cutting).

itan [ʔi.tan]

fin. to stumblingly run. See: pamra.

ite' [ʔi.tɛʔ]

fin. to be fitted together.

iti [ʔi.ti]

temp. post. when, during, at (a particular time).

iti' [ʔi.tiʔ]

fin. to listen meticulously. See: kuni.

ito' [ʔi.ˈtɔʔ]

fin. to become solid, to be as hard as a solid block. See: mire', ukas.

itu [ʔi.tu]

fin. to cast a stare on. See: juerat.

itsan [ˈʔi.ʦan]

neut. n. small volcano, cinder cone, hill.

itsui [ʔi.ˈʦuj]

adj. shy, timid. See: pipi.

iuna [ˈʔ]

masc. n. freedom, liberty.

iunai [ˈʔju.naj]

fin. to be released, to be free. See: sabaa.

ja' [ˈʣaʔ]

fin. to dig, to burrow, to unearth, to sprawl on the ground. See: hu'ai, tafa.

jaaho [ˈʣaː.hɔ]

*Short form of the name jataho.

jaan [ˈʣaːn]

masc. n. husband.

jabunas [ʣa.ˈbu.nas]

*colloq. slang. interrog. num. how many? Contraction of jirabunas.

jai'an [ˈʣaj.ʔan]

fin. welcoming, receptive. See: ona'.

jain [ˈʣajn]

(1) fin. safe, well. (2) colloq. nice to meet you. See: kibat jain, tanap jain, tapa jain.

jain aman [ˈʣajn]

(1) “And all is well”, “all's well that ends well”. (2) colloq. nice to meet you.

jainan [ˈʣaj.nan]

fem. n. safety, well-being.

jaisu' [ʣaj.ˈsuʔ]

v. to greet, to welcome. See: aman.

jaka [ˈʣa.ka]

adj. (1) jaka sisa' - painful. (2) jaka hiras - sick, ill.

jakas [ˈʣa.kas]

masc. n. injury, wounds (+ part.: in a body part).

jam [ʣam]

masc. enclitic n. tooth, teeth (collective).

jamai [ʣa.ˈmaj]

*Short form of the name jamai'ibunisomatajui.

jamai'ibunisomatajui [ʣa.ˈɔ.ma.ta.ʣuj]

*Name of the legendary matriarch of the inhabitants of Fara.
See also: jamai.

jamas [ˈʣa.mas]

v. to flood, to cover over. See: humpa.

jamba [ˈʣ]

fem. n. snake.

jambas [ˈʣam.bas]

fin. to be stealthy, to be cunning. See: nipias.

jana [ˈʣ]

v. to watch, to observe. See: eipai.

jara [ʣa.ˈɾa]

fin. with (or without) hope. See: kurinai.

jaran [ˈʣa.ɾan]

fem. n. hope, expectation.

jaranai [ʣa.ˈɾa.naj]

v. (1) to cause to have hope, to reassure, to raise one's expectation; (2) to promise, to enter into an agreement. Compare pojei. See: seira.

jat [ˈʣat]

slang (1) interj. “Look!”, “lo!”. Used to draw attention to smth.. (2) ptcl. “You see”, “you know”, “indeed”. Usually put at the beginning of the clause. Etym. colloq. contraction of juerat.

jataa [ˈʣa.taː]

v. to teach, to educate, to train, to learn, to inform. See: hairan.

jataho [ʣa.ˈta.hɔ]

*Common masc. name.

jatajataa [ʣa.ta.ˈʣa.taː]

v. (1) jatajataa hike - to micromanage, to boss around, to nitpick. (2) jatajataa niparan - to be a mentor to, to foster. Used of a good friend or caretaker from whom one learned the ways of life.
See also: jataa.

jataran [ʣa.ˈta.ɾan]

neut. n. teaching, lesson.

jatas [ʣa.ˈtas]

masc. n. teacher, instructor, mentor, master (of a skill).

jiabat [ʣja.ˈbat]

neut. n. paste, esp. of food made into paste; stuffing.
See also: feramu.

jibet1 [ʣi.ˈbɛt]

neut. n. perimeter, circumference.

jibet2 [ʣi.ˈbɛt]

adj. circular. See: ku'u.

jibin [ʣi.ˈbin]

n. young child.

jibin nari [ʣi.ˈbin naɾi]

interj. “How cute!”, “how funny!”. Usually used of children, but can be applied to naïvete or child-like behaviour in adults.

jihai [ˈʣi.haj]

neut. n. something. Etym. contraction of jiras hai.

jihe [ʣi.hɛ]

adv. only, and nothing more. Etym. contraction of jihai in adv. position.

jijit [ʣi.ʣit]

fin. to lay out in proper order, to line up one by one. See: peitai, tibe, pupus.

jina' [ʣi.ˈnaʔ]

fem. n. aunt (father's sister).
See also: miiku.

jinai [ʣi.naj]

fin. intimately. See: bama, hanitai, sunai, tsi'ai, tsunia', jinai.

jinari [ʣˈɾi]

fem. collec. n. female relatives, kinswomen.
See also: hainari.

jinei [ʣi.ˈnej]

fem. n. love, intimacy.

jini [ˈʣ]

adj. thin and tall (of a woman). See: dam.

jirabunas [ʣi.ɾa.ˈbu.nas]

interrog. num. jirabunas ta? - how many? Etym. contraction of jiras bunas di'as “one or two or three?”.

jiraheibikahujas [ˈʣi.ɾa.hej.ˌbi.ka.ˈhu.ʣas]

num. sixty-one (61).

jiraheibikas [ˈʣi.ɾa.hej.ˌbi.kas]

num. eleven (11).

jiranan [ˈʣi.ɾa.nan]

neut. n. mist, fog, cloud. When used as an NP, it means “cloud”; when used with murimuun, it means “fog” (lit. the enveloping cloud). See: murimuun.

jiranan akai [ˈʣi.ɾa.nan ʔa.kaj]

“The clouds disperse”, “the fog clears”.

jiranan murimuun [ˈʣi.ɾa.nan mu.ɾi.muːn]

“It is foggy/misty”. Lit. “the cloud enveloping”.

jirapikas [ˈʣi.ɾa.pi.kas]

num. six (6).

jirapikatis [ˈʣi.ɾa.pi.ka.tis]

*num. one-sixth (1/6).

jiraribikas [ˈʣi.ɾa.ɾi.ˌbi.kas]

num. sixteen (16).

jiras [ˈʣi.ɾas]

num. one (1).

jirat [ˈji.ɾat]

adj. green, lush. See: tsiris.

jiri [ˈʣi.ri]

fem. n. finger. See: bunai.

jiris1 [ˈʣi.ɾis]

*part. of jiri.

jiris2 [ˈʣi.ɾis]

colloq. quant. a bit of, a pinch of. Usu. applies to collec. objects, such as sand, powder, or a group of many small objects.

jo' [ˈʣɔʔ]

adj. (1) jo' nebe - blunt, dull (not sharp); (2) jo' bunka' - clumsy.

ju' [ˈʣuʔ]

fin. to mine (for gems). See: hu'ai.

ju'an [ˈʣu.ʔan]

fem. n. vase, water vessel.

jui'in [ʣuj.ˈʔin]

adj. (1) pretty, attractive, beautiful; (2) colorful. See: kakat.

juju' [ʣu.ˈʣuʔ]

fin. shivering. See: imis.

jujut [ʣu.ˈʣut]

fin. comfortable, well-fitting (of clothing). See: mena.

jukasu [ʣu.ˈ]

masc. n., fast-moving, blocky lava (a'a).
See also: sinasu.

juma [ˈʣ]

adj. well-built (of a woman). See: buha.

jumba1 [ˈʣ]

n. rolling earthquake.

jumba2 [ˈʣ]

v. to emanate a rolling earthquake. Used of erupting volcanoes. See: tsitsin2.

jumba tsitsin [ˈʣ ʦi.ʦin]

“There is an earthquake.”

juerat [ʣɯ.ˈɾat]

v. to look at, to stare at. See: itu.

ka- [ka]

masc. org. prefix.

ka [ka]

ptcl. masc. org. marker.

ka' [kaʔ]

masc. n. scratch, abrasion. Compare: ko', sa'.

ka'am [ˈka.ʔam]

v. to eat, to munch. Eater in rcp, food in cvy. See: tsa.

ka'uan [ka.ʔuan]

fin. muscular, to be mighty. See: daharai, esasai.

kaba [ka.ˈba]

neut. n. (1) arm; (2) handle (of an object), esp. a curved or looped handle. Compare penei.

kabai [ka.ˈbaj]

fin. with the arms, on the arm. See: nutai.

kabu' [ka.buʔ]

enclitic masc. n. man's elbow.
See also: nabu'.

kafetsai [ka.ˈfɛ.ʦaj]

v. to banish, to cast out (a person), to excommunicate. See: ehai.

kaha [ˈka.ha]

interj. great, awesome, wonderful.

kaha ai [ˈka.ha ʔaj]

interj. “That is wonderful indeed!”.
See also: kaha.

kahaa [ka.ˈhaa]

adj. loud, deafening. See: i'ia.

kahai [ˈka.haj]

(1) v. to run errands. Compare tapatapa. (2) adj. busy, occupied. See: nu'un.

kahan [ˈka.han]

v. to expand, to swell, to fill up a volume. See: tura.

kai [ˈkaj]

masc. n. sun.

kaibas [ˈkaj.bas]

masc. n. (1) dried fruit peel, rind; (2) sun-dried fruit.

kaiha [ˈkaj.ha]

interj. “Start!”, “go!”, “move!”, “do it!”. Colloquial contraction of kakai ha. See: kakai, ha.

kaimian [ˈkaj.mjan]

masc. n. year.

kaira [ˈkaj.ɾa]

neut. n. an enterprise, a venture, the carrying out of a plan.

kairabai'an [kaj.ɾa.ˈbaj.ʔan]

masc. n. criminal enterprise, heist, grand robbery, criminal syndicate.

kairakiapan [kaj.ɾa.ˈkja.pan]

fem. n. tomfoolery, buffoonery, foolish or futile venture, fool's errand. A quixotic struggle against imaginary foes or obstacles, a chasing of the wind.

kairas [ˈkaj.ɾas]

fin. grand, expansive, encompassing. See: paan.

kairatuhan [kaj.ɾa.ˈtu.han]

neut. n. an adventure, a quest, an excursion, an epic.

kairei [ˈkaj.ɾej]

interj. “Continue!”, “keep going!”. Colloquial contraction of kakai irei. See: kakai, irei.

kairitai [kaj.ˈɾi.taj]

v. (1) + cvy. - to conquer, to overcome; (2) + rcp. - to achieve, to attain. See: ti'an.

kaitai [ˈkaj.taj]

v. (1) kaitai hiis - to dry smth. (cvy.) in the sun; (2) kaitai ku'un - to make a leather item, to make leather (cvy.) into smth. (rcp.).

kaja [ˈka.ʣa]

v. (1) to put on (rcp. clothing); wearer in cvy.; (2) to dress someone (cvy., usu. a child) with clothing (rcp.). Lit. to get into clothing. See: murimuun.
See also: mena, naja.

kajat [ˈka.ʣat]

masc. n. derog. vain, conceited man; man with an attractive appearance but lacking in integrity or morals, or otherwise having some objectionable trait.

kajin [ˈka.ʣin]

fem. n. woman who likes to doll herself up with fancy clothes; derog. one who does so excessively.

kakai [ˈka.kaj]

v. to cause, to take action, to make, to do. A generic verb that can refer to a wide variety of actions. Doer in the org., things being acted on in the cvy., and the result of the action in the rcp.. See: ahai.

kakari [ka.ˈka.ɾi]

neut. n. nonsense, foolish words, incomprehensible blabbering.

kakari koko [ka.ˈka.ɾi kɔ.kɔ]

derog. interj. “Nonsense!”, “foolishness!”, “gibberish!”.

kakat [ka.kat]

fin. gaudy, colorful, multi-colored, shiny, vivid. See: fana, jui'in, teiria', mimbai, fan'ai.

kakatan [ka.ˈka.tan]

adj. gaudy, colorful, fancy. See: inai.

kakeis [ka.ˈkejs]

fem. n. rainbow.

kakitai [ka.ˈki.taj]

v. to flower, to blossom. See: paran.

kama [ˈ]

quant. all, all of.

kaman [ˈ]

neut. n. everything, all things.

kamasan [ka.ˈma.san]

collec. neut. n. parents.

kamat [ˈka.mat]

v. to rescue, to save from peril. See: sata.

kamitai [ka.ˈmi.taj]

v. to marry, to enter into marriage. See: kisan2.

kamu' [ka.ˈmuʔ]

n. pothole, crack, fissure.

kana [ˈ]

(1) temp. adv. now, at this time, immediately. (2) temp. post. case marker, this time. Used only with temp. nouns, e.g.: baran kana - in this morning; mubun kana - in this night; tonight.
See also: hara, nara.

kanai [ka.ˈnaj]

fem. n. sister-in-law (husband's younger sister).

kapa [ˈ]

v. to let go of, to drop (an object), to cast down or cast away. See: pa'.

kapa' [ka.ˈpaʔ]

adv. from there, out from there.
See also: kapau, kapi.

kapau [ka.ˈpao]

adv. to that place, to there, thither. Compare: upau.
See also: kapa', kapi.

kapi [ka.ˈpi]

neut. n. there, over there, that place.
See also: kapa', kapau.

kara [ka.ɾa]

fin. to scatter, to shatter. See: parama2, petsa, puaha, punpa.

karampau [ka.ˈɾam.pao]

superl. quant. the most of, too much of, overflowing amounts of.
See also: mene'ia'.

karapa' [ka.ɾa.paʔ]

fin. to be bitten to death, to be gored. See: peka'.

karas [ka.ˈɾas]

adv. violently, chaotically, destructively.

karat [ka.ˈɾat]

adj. red. See: asai.

karau [ka.ˈɾao]

v. to mix, to stir, to cook by stirring, esp. of a paste in a stone pot. See: ku'u.

karen [ka.ˈɾɛn]

masc. n. sandal, shoe.

kari [ka.ˈɾi]

masc. n. fingernail or toenail, claw.

karia [ka.ɾja]

fin. to cause harm, to inflict pain. See: hapas, nekare, kere.

karinaras [ka.ˈɾɾas]

fem. n. pyroclastic flow, a deadly mixture of hot gas, ash, and hot rock fragments that avalanches down a volcano's flanks during an eruption.

karinaras humpa [ka.ˈɾɾas ˈ]

exclam. “A pyroclastic flow is happening/coming.” Often used as interj. of terror. See: humpa.

karo'a [ka.ˈɾɔ.ʔa]

v. to erupt lava, esp. in large quantities that form lava flows. Used of lava fountains. See: atsam.

karus [ka.ˈɾus]

masc. n. red mango. A red, soft-fleshed fruit closely related to mangoes in spite of its resemblance to apples.

kas [ˈkas]

masc. n. torch, burning stick.

kasai [ˈka.saj]

v. to scrub, to wipe off (smth. from a surface with a cloth), to rub off. Compare pikitas. See: arui.

katabas [ka.ˈta.bas]

fem. n. black olive.
See also: kataf.

kataf [ka.ˈtaf]

fem. n. black olive tree.
See also: katabas.

katai [ˈka.taj]

v. to hold in hand, to grasp. Compare arap, bana. See: man.

katam [ˈka.tam]

adj. pitch black. Compare muras. See: hubu.

kauhi [ˈkao.hi]

fem. n. lynx cat, esp. the most common white-furred lynx native to Fara.

kaumai [kao.ˈmaj]

neut. n. blanket, covering cloth. A piece of usu. coarse cloth, used as a blanket or as a covering canopy.

kauna [ˈ]

masc. n. crow, or predatory bird.

ke []

cmp. adv. Modifies a comparative adverb, either puru or sutu.
See also: kumai, puru ke, sutu ke.

kefaa [ˈkɛ.faː]

n. horse, donkey.

kefatai [kɛ.fa.ˈtaj]

neut. n. horse-drawn chariot.

kefu [kɛ.ˈfu]

fem. n. widow.

kei [kej]

ptcl. fem. org. marker.

keika'ina [kej.ˈka.ʔ]

masc. n., fierce, feral wolf.

keiniras [kej.ˈni.ɾas]

num. three hundred and seventy-five (375).

keiranas [ˈkej.ɾa.nas]

num. two thousand five-hundred (2500).

keisa [ˈ]

fem. n., a field, an area.

keitis [kej.ˈtis]

adj. sour. See: hike.

keras [ˈkɛ.ɾas]

masc. n. inedible or poisonous fruit.

keratas [ˈkɛ.ɾa.tas]

adj. poisonous. See: kirue.

kere [ˈkɛ.ɾɛ]

v. (1) kere iki' - to scratch (an itch), to make a scratching noise. (2) kere karia - to scratch (with claws, smth. sharp), to abrade.

kero' [ˈkɛ.ɾɔʔ]

adj. crooked, bent, warped, twisted. See: eina'.

ketse [ˈkɛ.ˈʦɛ]

v. to hate, to dislike (someone, smth.). See: hike.
See also: ues2.

ki- [ki]

fem. org. prefix.

ki'ei [ki.ʔej]

*Contraction of kei and ei.

kia' [ˈkjaʔ]

fin. to be pierced through. See: saipitai.

kiamu' [ˈkja.muʔ]

masc. n. prison, dungeon.

kiapan [ˈkja.pan]

n. fool, foolish person, brute.

kiapat [kja.ˈpat]

adj. stupid, crazy, incapable of reasonable thought. See: koko.

kiapitai [kja.ˈpi.taj]

v. (1) kiapitai nana - to scold, to provoke, to insult; (2) kiapitai ihia - to argue, to quarrel. Etym., “to make [the other party appear] stupid”.

kiaram [ˈkja.ɾam]

masc. n. salt.

kiaris [kja.ˈɾis]

adj. salty. See: hike, sarapi.

kibas [ˈki.bas]

v. (1) to breathe, to live (intransitive). The org. NP is the exhaler, and the rcp. NP is the inhaler. The cvy. NP is that which is exhaled or inhaled, although it is also used for the thing which breathes (both inhale and exhale). (2) to exist (used of people). (3) kibas kibeiri sei ham + v. + epan - to have the strength to (do smth.); kibas be kibeiri sei beiham + v. + beman - to be unable to (do smth.). (4) kibas hikas sa (+ rcp.) - to curse someone, to infect someone. See: ham.

kibat [ˈki.bat]

v. (1) (cvy.) to stand, to persist; (2) (org.) to keep watch, to watch over (+ rcp.), to stand guard. See: man.

kibat jain [ˈki.bat ʣajn]

“Stand firm”, “guard well”, “bye now”. Said to those who are remaining while one leaves, particularly when the ones remaining are in some place other than a dwelling place.
See also: jain, tanap jain.

kibe [ˈki.bɛ]

v. to move (oneself) aside, to stand back, to avoid, to shun. See: eimei.

kibeiri [ki.ˈbej.ɾi]

n. (1) breath, life. Agrees in gender with person to whom it belongs. (2) strength, energy (to perform a strenuous task).

kibeiri atuan [ki.ˈbej.ɾi ʔa.twan]

“Just before”, “barely”.

kibeiri iti [ki.ˈbej.ɾi ʔi.ti]

“At this moment”, “immediately”, “now” (“in this breath”).

kibi [ˈ]

neut. n. bones, skeleton.

kibias [ki.ˈbjas]

adj. famished, impoverished, skinny and lean (esp. of animals). See: nuri.

kibusu [ki.ˈ]

fem. n. soup, broth.

kiki []

fin. excited, agitated. See: mahinai, pahaan, sarap, bihas, ikis, tsihas.

kikia' [ki.ˈkjaʔ]

fem. n. black fly, any annoying flying insect.

kikiat [ki.ˈkjat]

pej. fem. n. pesterer, busybody, gossiper, telltale. An irritating or bothersome woman who's always asking for help or favors, or always intruding upon others' affairs.
See also: toto', misat.

kiman []

fin. to be resourceful, to be crafty, to have sleight of hand, to be capable with methods. See: nimias.

kimei [ˈki.mej]

v. (1) to perceive, to understand, to notice, to know. The perceiver is in the rcp.. (2) + ku'is so: to read silently, inaudibly. Compare tsana. See: tipai.

kin [ˈkin]

masc. n. wooden stick, a branch.

kinan [ˈki.nan]

adj. skinny, thin, under-nourished. See: kuru.

kinap [ˈki.nap]

v. To quieten down, to become silent. See: di'in.

kinta' [ˈkin.taʔ]

neut. n. bird nest.

kinu []

fin. suspended, hanging. See: takutsi.

kira [ˈki.ɾa]

v. To give, to hand smth. over. See: esan.

kirakiru [ˈki.ɾɾu]

v. To negotiate, to compromise (to give and take). See: huinui.
See also: kira, kiru.

kirakirun [ˈki.ɾɾun]

neut. n. negotiation, agreement, treaty.

kiran [ˈki.ɾan]

masc. n. young man, youth.

kirat [ˈki.ɾat]

adj. tall and swift (of a man). See: tepan.

kiri [ki.ɾi]

fin. to enumerate, to count. See: tiri.

kirin [ki.ɾin]

fin. innocently, guilelessly, naively. See: huinin1.

kiru [ˈki.ɾu]

v. to withhold, to withdraw (smth.), to keep oneself. See: nu'.

kirue [ki.ˈɾɯ]

fin. gruesomely, to disgust, to be repulsive, or scary. See: mamaan, hikas, pehe', keratas, purusu.

kirue ai [ki.ˈɾɯ ʔaj]

“Terrible indeed!”, “scary indeed!”, “how frightful!”

kiruete [ki.ˈɾɯ.tɛ]

v. (1) kiruete kuta' - to corrupt, to rot, to spoil smth. (cvy.) into a bad or rotten state (rcp).. (2) kiruete bai'an - to exert an evil influence, to morally corrupt, to turn someone (cvy.) to evil ways (rcp.), to lead astray.

kisa [ˈ]

neut. n. fire, flame.

kisan1 [ˈki.san]

*gen. of kisa.

kisan2 [ˈki.san]

fin. to be joined together. See: kamitai.
See also: kisian.

kisi [ˈ]

post. as a part or component of, (inherently) attached to.

kisian [ˈki.sjan]

*archaic fin. to be joined together.

kita [ˈki.ta]

*Contraction of kei + ta.

kitina [ki.ˈ]

fem. n. sour spice, esp. green herb or edible leaf that is sour-tasting.

kitsit [ki.ˈʦit]

v. to bite. Biter in org., victim in rcp. See: tsam.

ko- []

neut. org. prefix.

ko []

ptcl. neut. org. marker.

ko' [kɔʔ]

neut. n. bruise, dent (esp. from being struck by a blunt instrument). Compare sa', ka'.

ko'an [ˈkɔ.ʔan]

(1) gen. of ko'; (2) masc. n. dull pain, ache (+ part.: in a body part).

ko'an oha'is [ˌkɔ.ʔan ˈʔɔ.ha.ʔis]

*masc. n. headache.

ko'an purutis [ˌkɔ.ʔan pu.ˈɾu.tis]

*masc. n. stomach ache.

koko [kɔ.kɔ]

fin. to act foolishly, to be confused. See: kiapat, tsitsin1.

kora [kɔ.ɾa]

fin. “outflowing”. See: akaisu, suran, putara.

koro [kɔ.ɾɔ]

fin. to croak. See: oroka.

koronta [kɔ.ˈɾɔn.ta]

neut. n. (1) toad, frog. (2) Any leaping insect.

ku [ku]

fin. “noontide”. See: sifan.

ku'as [ˈku.ʔas]

adj. hot, warm (weather). See: uesan.
See also: haba.

ku'at [ku.ˈʔat]

collec. masc. n. drums, wood blocks. Idiophone musical instruments that produce low-pitched, drum-like sounds.

ku'i [ˈku.ʔi]

v. to engrave, to write. See: daran.

ku'is [ˈku.ʔis]

neut. n. writing; derivatively, instructions, letter.

ku'u [ku.ˈʔu]

fin. spinning, twirling. See: jibet.2, karau, puni.i, susan.

ku'un [ku.ˈʔun]

fin. hard-working, useful. See: mianepas, kaitai, tintatintan.

kuana [ˈ]

fem. n. family, household.

kuanas [ˈkwa.nas]

num. twenty (20).

kubu [ˈku.bu]

fem. n. circle, loop, noose.

kufu [ˈku.fu]

neut. n. side, the sides (usu. of a person).
See also: kupas, fupas.

kuhaa'i [ku.ˈhaː.ʔi]

adj. brave, courageous, bold, intrepid. See: bahan.

kuini [ˈ]

v. to have, to own, to possess (an object). See: dakat.

kuipi [ˈkuj.pi]

neut. n. door.

kuka' [ku.ˈkaʔ]

v. (1) to cough; (2) to erupt, describing a strombolian eruption. See: atu'.

kuka'ina [ku.ka.ˈʔ]

neut. n. scary beast, creature, monster, wild animal. General term referring to any animal or being of fearsome appearance or qualities.

kukai [ˈku.kaj]

v. (1) to scare, to frighten, to fear; (2) to intimidate. See: aha'.

kukas [ku.ˈkas]

adj. (1) kukas aha' - fearful, scary, frightening, dangerous. (2) kukas nari - (sarcastic) not very frightening at all.

kukitai [ku.ˈki.taj]

v. to drum, to play drums (esp. in a rhythmic way). See: uku'.

kuku [ku.ˈku]

neut. n. fear, fright.

kum [kum]

arch. neut. enclitic n. memory, recollection. Only used in set phrases such as ti' kumis.
See also: kumi, ukum.

kumai [ku.ˈmaj]

cmp. adv. increasingly, decreasingly. Contraction of ke and umai.
See also: puru kumai, sutu kumai.

kuman []

fin. brownish. See: bo'as.

kumat [ˈku.mat]

adj. orange, tan, golden brown. See: bo'an.

kumbi [ˈ]

*Common name. Can be either masc. or fem..

kumi [ˈku.mi]

v. to remember, to commit to memory, to memorize. See: ukum.
See also: tumai, kum.

kumu' [']

neut. enclitic n. hole dug in the ground for urination or defecation.

kunaisin [ˈku.naj.sin]

masc. n. summer, warm season.

kuni [ˈ]

v. to listen for, to pay attention to. See: iti'.

kunikuni [ˈ]

v. (1) kunikuni dusu - to obey, to be a follower of someone (rcp.). (2) kunikuni nisue - to listen carefully for smth. in fearful anticipation. (3) kunikuni toto - to eavesdrop, esp. on a habitual basis.

kunpat [ˈkun.pat]

v. to crush, to flatten (esp. by a large heavy object). See: pini.

kupan [ku.ˈpan]

masc. n. scoop, ladle, spoon.

kupas [ˈku.pas]

neut. n. right, right-hand side.
See also: fupas.

kupu [ˈku.pu]

masc. n. (1) bucket; (2) slang. toilet.

kura [ˈku.ɾa]

neut. n. hunger.

kura kuru [ˈku.ɾa ku.ɾu]

“I am hungry”.

kura miin [ˈku.ɾa miːn]

“Satiated with hunger.” Paradoxical expr. describing the numbing of the sense of hunger due to excessive starvation. Sometimes sarcastically applied to people who overeat despite vocal claims of abstinence.

kurai [ku.ɾaj]

fin. having richness, to be full of resources, to give much yield. See: tumaha.

kurat [ku.ˈɾat]

neut. n. ground, soil.

kure' [ˈku.ɾɛʔ]

v. to pull, to drag. See: darai.

kuria' [ku.ˈɾjaʔ]

masc. n. ear, the ears.

kurinai [ku.ˈɾi.naj]

v. to bury (the deceased). See: jara.

kuritas [ku.ˈɾi.tas]

v. to trample, to stomp on. See: pini.

kuru [ˈku.ɾu]

(1) adj. hungry. (2) fin. to be hungry, impoverished. See: nuri.

kurui [ku.ˈɾuj]

fin. malleable, pliable, soft. See: mui.

kusa' [ku.ˈsaʔ]

adj. healthy, whole, well, sound, good (of a person). See: airan.

kusei [ku.ˈsej]

fin. to be healthy, whole, well. See: po'itai.

kusu [ku.ˈsu]

fem. n. urine.
See also: takutsi.

kut [kut]

n. (1) a unit (of smth), one of a group of objects. (2) each (of a group of objects). The referent is usu. not stated and understood from context, though the gender of kut will agree with it.
See also: put.

kuta' [ku.ˈtaʔ]

(1) kuta' eina' - adj. misshapen, deformed. (2) fin. grotesquely. See: mopan, puesat, kiruete, uke'uke.

kutai [ku.ˈtaj]

neut. n. dung, feces, droppings.

kutakaranim [ku.ˈta.ka.ɾa.nim]

masc. n. mythical lava-dwelling creature, described as a 4-legged giant spider as tall as a person, crawling out of erupting volcanic vents at night.

kutan [ku.tan]

fin. to defecate. See: takutsi.

kutu [ˈku.tu]

fin. to be of old age, to be wrinkled, to be worn out. See: ne'itai.

kutua [ku.ˈtwa]

*Common masc. name.

kutsi [ˈku.ˈʦi]

masc. n. leg, thigh (human).

kuun [kuːn]

fin. to drink. See: bue'a.

kue'itai [kɯ.ˈʔi.taj]

v. to mock, to deride, to make fun of, to belittle. See: nana.

kuebai [ˈkɯ.baj]

fem. n. (1) minor fault, defect, or imperfection; small mistake or error; (2) discrepancy, slight mistake in calculation. Compare beti', bai'as.

kuebeitai [kɯ.ˈbej.taj]

v. to excuse oneself, to downplay one's mistake, to justify oneself. See: ai'ai.

kuebuta' [ˈkɯ.bu.taʔ]

fem. n. (1) dollhouse, toy house; (2) miniature house, either a toy or for small pets.

kueharan [ˈkɯ.ha.ɾan]

fem. n. rumour, anecdote, children's story, joke.
See also: maharan.

kuen [ˈkɯn]

masc. n. tree (esp. a broadleaf tree).

kuera [ˈkɯ.ɾa]

v. to laugh, to be happy. See: nari.

kueras [ˈkɯ.ɾas]

adj. funny, prone to laughter. See: nari.

kuesimani [ˈkɯ]

neo. masc. n. dog, puppy. (The san faran regard dogs as derisory diminutions of the guard wolves.)
See also: simani.

kuesura [kɯ.ˈsu.ɾa]

fem. n. toy dress, doll's dress. See: sura.

ma'an [ˈma.ʔan]

masc. n. (1) fat, oil, thick juice; (2) essence, liquid extract, esp. viscous liquid yielded through crushing.

ma'anai [ma.ˈʔa.naj]

v. to think, to consider, to ponder. See: arai.

ma'asan [ma.ˈʔa.san]

collec. neut. n. (1) ancestors, forefathers; (2) elders (of a tribe of village), leaders.

maha [ma.ˈha]

masc. n. (1) heart (psychological); (2) liver (physical).
See also: umpas1.

maha' [ˈma.haʔ]

v. to hunt (for meat). See: ti'an.

mahaa [ma.ˈhaː]

fin. to be venerable, to have acquired much experience through age. See: tihai.

mahakiap [ma.ha.ˈkjap]

fem. n. unsound or sloppy mind, thoughtlessness, inability to think clearly.
See also: mahakum.

mahakum [ma.ha.ˈkum]

masc. n. sound mind, intelligence, thoughtfulness, ability to figure things out.
See also: mahakiap.

mahan [ma.han]

fin. to be grateful. See: faisu'.
See also: maha.

maharan [ma.ˈha.ɾan]

neut. n. story, tale, history.
See also: kueharan.

mahinai [ma.ˈhi.naj]

v. (1) mahinai ia - to long for (a person), to think of (a loved person) continually, to have (a person) in the heart. (2) mahinai kiki - to worry (someone), to cause to fret, to cause to be anxious.

mahita [ma.ˈhi.ta]

v. to journey, to travel, esp. for a long distance, to make a trip. See: anui1, bata.

mahitan [ma.ˈhi.tan]

masc. n. long journey, long trip, mission.

mai'i [ˈmaj.ʔi]

fem. n. debt, past offense, grudge.

maimai [ˈmaj.maj]

interj. “I'm sorry”, “I apologize”.

maimai titi [ˈmaj.maj ti.ti]

interj. “I'm very sorry!”

makara [ma.ˈka.ɾa]

v. (1) to blend, to mix together; (2) to throw (things) into a disorganized heap. See: parapa.

makia [ma.ˈkja]

n. enemy, opponent. Compare: namat.

mamaan [ˈma.maːn]

adj. (of skin) inflamed, having a mottled appearance, having skin rash or inflammation, having skin disease, leprous. See: kirue.

mamatai [ˈ]

neut. n. skin spots, freckles, skin rash, leprosy.

man [man]

fin. steadfast, firm. See: katai, kibat.

man'at [ˈman.ʔat]

neut. n. watchtower, guardhouse.

mana [ˈ]

pron. 1st pers. exclusive pron. “we” (excluding 2nd party).
See also: faan.

mantas [man.ˈtas]

neut. n. lock, fastening bolt.

maraa [ma.ˈɾaː]

*Common fem. name.

marai [ˈma.ɾaj]

fem. n. forest, woods, jungle.

matsa' [ma.ˈʦaʔ]

n. corpse, esp. the victim of violence or one found dead from unknown causes. Compare funa'.

matsa' kirue [ma.ˈʦaʔ ki.ɾɯ]

exclam. “there's a corpse!”, “we found a corpse!”.

matsai [ma.ˈʦaj]

interj. “woe!”, “calamity!”, “disaster!”, “misfortune!”.

matsai'an [ma.ˈʦaj.ʔan]

neut. n. disaster, calamity, destruction, desolation.

matsite' [ma.ˈʦi.tɛʔ]

v. to die in a calamity, to perish. See: dunan, karapa'.

me [ˈmɛ]

adv. (how many) times. E.g., jiras me - once, bunas me - twice.

mei [ˈmej]

dem. n., this, these.
See also: fei.

meija [mej.ˈʣa]

quant. many. Used of people.
See also: titiran.

meijas [mej.ˈʣas]

num. twenty-five (25).

meman [ˈmɛ.man]

adj. mature, grown-up. May also mean “old” when used of animals. See: paran.

mena [ˈmɛ.na]

v. to wear (+ cvy.), to be wearing, to be decked with. Wearer in org. Carries the connotation of showing off one's clothing. See: jujut.
See also: kaja.

mene'ia' [mɛ.nɛ.ˈʔjaʔ]

superl. quant. the least of, too little of, scant amounts of, not enough of.
See also: karampau.

mi'1 [ˈmiʔ]

n. face. Gender agrees with gender of possessor.

mi'2 [ˈmiʔ]

neut. n. front (part of smth.).

mi'ai [ˈmi.ʔaj]

adj. kind, gentle, compassionate. See: suri.

mi'itai [mi.ˈʔi.taj]

v. to show kindness, to be compassionate towards. See: suri.

mianai [ˈmja.naj]

v. (1) to owe, to be indebted to; (2) to help, to do a favor for. The giver of favor is in the org., the beneficiary in the rcp. See: pa'a.

mianepas [ˈmja.nɛ.pas]

adj. useful, helpful, capable. Compare: sutsai. See: ku'un.

miha' [ˈmi.haʔ]

masc. n. brown cap boletus mushroom.

mihat [ˈmi.hat]

v. to meet, to come together. See: damai.

mihatan [mi.ˈha.tan]

neut. n. meeting, gathering. Usually refers to a smaller, more informal gathering than tan'at.
See also: tan'at.

miiku [ˈmiː.ku]

fem. n. aunt (mother's sister).
See also: jina'.

miin [miːn]

fin. satiated, filled.

miji [ˈmi.ʣi]

*arch. fem. n. orphan.
See also: hira.

mijis [ˈmi.ʣis]

fem. adj. orphan. See: nirum.

mikari [mi.ˈka.ɾi]

fem. n. lady, noble woman, woman of esteem.

mikei [ˈmi.kej]

*Contraction of mei and kei.

mimbai [ˈmim.baj]

v. (1) mimbai kakat - to dream, esp. to have vivid dreams. Dreamer in org. (2) mimbai oho' - to have nightmares. Dreamer in org.

mimbi [ˈmim.ˈbi]

fem. n. dreams.

mimi [mi.ˈmi]

fin. to be in hiding, to peer from a hiding place. See: tsubi, tsubitsubi.

mimis [ˈmi.mis]

adj. curious and small (of children). See: hunu.

minas [mi.ˈnas]

masc. n. name (of a male).
See also: minein.

minat [mi.ˈnat]

v. (1) minat umas - to beget, to procreate (of males); (2) minat buja - to conceive, to be (become) pregnant (of females).

minatas [mi.ˈna.tas]

adj. pregnant. See: buja2.

minei [ˈmi.nej]

*Contraction of mei and nei.

minein [mi.ˈnejn]

fem. n. name (of a female).
See also: minas.

mintai [ˈmin.taj]

v. to name, to give a name (cvy.) to (a child)(rcp.), to christen. See: inan.

minua [mi.ˈnwa]

*Commom fem. name.

miranai [ˈmi.ɾa.naj]

v. (1) miranai airan + sahu - to wash (oneself), to bathe. (2) miranai airan - to clean, to wash. See: airan.

miras [ˈmi.ɾas]

adj. clean, washed. See: airan.

mire' [ˈmi.ɾɛʔ]

v. (1) mire' dunan - to freeze to death, to die of cold; (2) mire' ito' - to freeze (into ice or solid form).

miri' [ˈmi.ɾiʔ]

masc. n. ice, frost.

miri'ina [mi.ɾi.ˈʔ]

masc. n. snow tiger, a feared predator with grey and white stripes that lives on the higher slopes of the mountains around Fara.

miris [ˈmi.ɾis]

fem. n. snow.

miris ta'an [ˈmi.ɾis taʔan]

“It is snowing.”

misa' [mi.ˈsaʔ]

v. to meddle, to poke around (affairs one ought not to be concerned with). Usually the party/parties whose affairs are being pried into is in the rcp..
See also: toto.

misai [ˈmi.saj]

fem. n. deer.

misanan [mi.ˈsa.nan]

fem. n. village, community.
See also: pasanan.

misat [mi.ˈsat]

fem. n. busybody, nosey person (usu. a child), telltale.
See also: kikiat, toto'.

misatas [mi.ˈsa.tas]

adj. short and nosey. See: ijan.

misei [ˈmi.sej]

*Contraction of mei and sei.

misuu [ˈmi.suː]

*Common fem. name.

misuen [mi.ˈsɯn]

fin. to be deprived, to be taken advantage of, to suffer loss. See: nia'itai, niara', nifas.

misuete [mi.ˈsɯ.tɛ]

v. (1) misuete atan - to lose, to be deprived of (+ cvy.). (2) misuete hiam - to misplace, to forget smth. somewhere. (3) misuete aisu - to be dismembered; (+ nabin no) to miscarry, to have a miscarriage.

mopan [ˈmɔ.pan]

adj. ugly, shabby, dark. See: kuta'.

mopanai [ˈmɔ.pa.naj]

neut. n. ugliness.
See also: mopan.

mu' [ˈmuʔ]

neut. n. hole, pit, manhole, esp. a hole in the ground.

mu'at [mu.ˈʔat]

masc. n. nephew (sibling's son).
See also: unas.

mu'u [ˈmu.ʔu]

masc. n. mountain, big hill, esp. a hill with steep sides.
See also: hirana.

muantai [ˈmwan.taj]

masc. n. honor, reputation, majesty.

muantan [mwan.tan]

fin. to be honorable, to be of repute. See: takas.

muantas [ˈmwan.tas]

adj. majestic, honorable, great. See: mahaa.

muba' [mu.ˈbaʔ]

n. lips. Gender follows the grammatical gender of the n. it belongs to.

mubun [mu.ˈbun]

fem. n. night. See: murimuun.

mubun murimuun [mu.ˈbun mu.ɾi.muːn]

“It is nightfall.” Lit. “night is enveloping.”

mubun nara [mu.ˈbun na.ɾa]

adv. “Yesterday”. Lit., “last night”.
See also: nara.

mubunui [mu.ˈbu.nuj]

adv. westward, toward the setting of the sun.

mui [muj]

adj. soft (of a substance), gentle (of a person). Compare to'. See: kurui.

muin [mujn]

fin. soothing. See: poribai, sasarai, sunai.

muinas [ˈmuj.nas]

adj. soothing, calm, relaxing, comfortable. See: seira.

muini [ˈ]

v. to soothe, to comfort. See: seira.

mukisa [mu.ˈ]

neut. n. volcanic vent, hornito. Usually used of smaller, auxilliary vents. Lit., “fire-hole”.
See also: parat.

mumpai [mum.ˈpai]

v. to growl, to rumble, to groan. See: arum.

mura [mu.ˈɾa]

fin. to grow, to develop, to expand, to sprout. See: turai.

muras [ˈmu.ɾas]

adj. (1) dark, black, grey; (2) dirty. See: dafan.

murimuun [mu.ɾi.muːn]

fin. to enshroud, to envelop. See: kaja, sunai.

muu [muː]

fin. smooth, soft. See: sunis.

muun [muːn]

fin. to swallow chewed food. See: bue'a, pinai.

-n [n]

gen. suffix.

na- [na]

masc. rcp. prefix.

na [na]

ptcl. masc. rcp. marker.

na' [ˈnaʔ]

quant. half (of smth.); colloq. some of, a bunch of.
See also: bara.

na'iat [na.ˈʔjat]

fem. n. (1) mesh or net, esp. net used for fishing or trapping insects. (2) Coarse woven cloth, esp. used in making sacks.

na'itai [na.ˈʔi.taj]

v. na'itai simun - to sew, to weave, to knit (into a whole).

naaho [ˈnaː.hɔ]

*Common masc. name.

nabin [na.ˈbin]

n. baby, newborn (pre-toddler).

nabinai [na.ˈbi.naj]

v. to baby-sit, to spend one's time caring for a newborn. See: nu'un.

nabu' [na.buʔ]

enclitic fem. n. woman's elbow.
See also: kabu'.

naja [ˈna.ʣa]

v. to disrobe, to undress, to remove clothing (org.) from oneself or another (cvy.). Lit. to get out of clothing. See: sisian.
See also: kaja.

najat [ˈna.ʣat]

masc. n. an impudent, immodest man; a bald-faced liar.
See also: najin, bejin.

najin [ˈna.ʣin]

fem. n. (1) derog. an impudent, impertinent woman. (2) colloq. a prostitute.
See also: najat.

najis [ˈna.ʣis]

* See: hina najis.

namat [ˈna.mat]

n. rival, challenger, opponent; the opposing party in an argument or dispute. Usu. used in a less hostile sense than makia.

nami' [na.ˈmiʔ]

collec. n. cheeks. Gender agrees with gender of possessor.

nana [nana]

fin. to ridicule, to deride. See: kiapitai, nekitai.

naneis [ˈna.nejs]

fem. n. derision, ridicule, insult, mockery.

nara [na.ɾa]

temp. adv. yesterday, in the past. Past tense marker.
See also: hara, kana.

naras [ˈna.ɾas]

dem. n. (1) adj. the previous, the one before; (2) adv. the former, the preceding, what was just said before. Backward-pointing demonstrative.
See also: haras.

nari [na.ɾi]

fin. “to feel funny or happy”. See: kuera, kueras, kukas, tsaijin, ba'asat.

naritai [na.ˈɾi.taj]

v. to cheer up, to make (one) happy, to cherish, to comfort. See: muin.

nasi [na.ˈsi]

*Common fem. name.

natua [na.ˈtwa]

*Common masc. name.

ne'in [nɛ.ˈʔin]

adj. (1) ne'in piri - old, decayed, corroded, badly rusted. (2) ne'in kirue - rotten (esp. of meat), tainted.

ne'itai [nɛ.ˈʔi.taj]

v. to wear out, to become old, to turn stale, to decay, to wither. See: kutu.

nebe [nɛ.ˈbɛ]

fin. harmless, innocuous, useless. See: jo'.

neha' [ˈnɛ.haʔ]

masc. n. poisonous mushroom. Generic term for a variety of inedible mushrooms.

neho [ˈnɛ.hɔ]

*Short form of the name aneho.

nei [nej]

ptcl. fem. rcp. marker.

neisa [ˈ]

fem. n. mother-in-law (wife's mother).
See also: tseitsei.

nekaa [nɛ.ˈkaː]

n. criminal, evil person, person with ill intentions.

nekaras [nɛ.ˈka.ɾas]

neut. n. offense, wrongdoing, crime.

nekare [nɛ.ˈka.ɾɛ]

v. (1) nekare karia, nekare misuen - to commit a crime (against someone). Crime in cvy., victim in rcp.; (2) nekare baibai - to commit an offense (usu. in secret).

nekas [nɛ.ˈkas]

adj. bad, evil, malicious, ill-intentioned. See: hike.

nekia [nɛ.ˈkja]

n. (1) accuser, plaintiff. (2) a fussy, nitpicky person, prone to finding fault with others in anything.

nekias [nɛ.ˈkjas]

adj. fussy, nitpicky, short-tempered, prone to complaint. See: ihia.

nekitai [nɛ.ˈki.taj]

v. (1) nekitai nana - to blame, to accuse (of wrongdoing), to find fault, to nitpick. (2) nekitai baibai + sahu - to admit guilt, to confess, to feel guilty for or shameful about smth.

neko' [ˈnɛ.kɔʔ]

n. knee. Agrees in gender with the person it is part of.

nemai [ˈnɛ.maj]

adv. never.
See also: pepai.

nesaras [nɛ.ˈsa.ɾas]

masc. n. wheat, barley; any edible grain.

nese [ˈnɛ.ˈsɛ]

v. to sow, to plant. See: tu'.

ni'apikas [ˈni.ʔa.pi.kas]

num. nine (9).

ni'apikatis [ˈni.ʔa.pi.ka.tis]

*num. one-ninth (1/9).

ni'as [ˈni.ʔas]

num. four (4).

ni'ei [ni.ʔej]

*Contraction of nei and ei.

ni'is [ˈni.ʔis]

num. quarter (1/4).

ni'itis [ˈni.ʔi.tis]

*part. of ni'is.

nia'itai [nja.ˈʔi.taj]

v. (1) nia'itai ai'ai - to seduce, to lure (into a trap), to deceive; (2) nia'itai misuen - to cheat, to swindle, to defraud.

nian [ˈnjan]

fem. n. (1) soul, personality; (2) female ghost, apparition.

niara' [ˈnja.ɾaʔ]

v. (1) to snatch away, to take by guile or force; (2) to steal, to rob. See: misuen.

niarat [ˈnja.ɾat]

n. thief, pickpocket.

niari' [nja.ˈɾiʔ]

fem. n. older daughter, grown daughter.
See also: ari'.

niba' [ni.ˈbaʔ]

v. to kiss. See: tsum.

nifas [ni.ˈfas]

v. (1) nifas hike - to afflict, to trouble; (2) nifas misuen - to cause suffering, to hurt. See: hike, misuen.

niman [ni.ˈman]

fin. to lick. See: suru, fasat.

nimat [ni.ˈmat]

fem. n. tongue.

nimian [ni.ˈmjan]

fem. n. craftiness, cunning, clever manipulation.

nimias [ni.ˈmjas]

adj. sly, crafty, cunning. See: kiman.

niparan [ni.ˈpa.ɾan]

fin. to reach maturity, adulthood. See: tsuta, jatajataa.

nipias [ni.ˈpjas]

v. to sneak away, to escape, to avoid notice. See: jambas.

nipiri [ni.ˈpi.ɾi]

v. (1) (+ rcp.) to fall apart, to disintegrate, to collapse into a heap; (2) (+ org.) to topple smth. (+ cvy.) over, to push smth. down, to break through smth., esp. smth. fragile or in a weakened state. See: parapa.

nira [ˈni.ɾa]

fem. n. sister-in-law (wife's younger sister).
See also: inuu.

nirip []

fin. to nibble. See: tsitsip.

niruat [ni.ˈɾwat]

masc. n. (1) loner, wanderer, homeless person; (2) independent, self-sufficient person. One who pursues his own path and does not care for others' expectations or norms. (3) misfit, contrarian.

nirum [ni.ɾum]

fin. to be lonely. See: mijis, hiris.

nirus [ˈni.ɾus]

adj. lonely, lonesome, sad from loneliness or loss of a companion. See: atan.

nisa [ˈ]

fem. n. sister-in-law (wife's older sister).
See also: sasa.

nisat [ni.ˈsat]

adj. tightly bound, constricted, trussed up. See: pepe'.
See also: sai.

nisue [ni.sɯ]

fin. to be tense, stressed, consumed by anxiety, tormented. See: berana, kunikuni.

nita [ni.ta]

*Contraction of nei + ta.

nitai [ni.taj]

fin. piercing, penetrating, going through. See: purutai, tsis.

no- []

neut. rcp. prefix.

no []

ptcl. neut. rcp. marker.

nu' [ˈnuʔ]

fin. to hold on to, to grasp, to keep in hand. See: kiru.

nu'un [nu.ˈʔun]

fin. to be occupied with smth., to take care of smth., to watch a child, to be busy. See: kahai, nabinai.

numan [ˈ]

fem. n. grief, sadness, unhappiness.

numas [ˈnu.mas]

adj. sad, unhappy, grieved. numas atan is usu. used for describing another party, whereas numas hike for describing oneself. See: atan, hike.

numat [ˈnu.mat]

n. a perpetually sad person, a sourpuss.
See also: nekia.

numi [ˈnu.mi]

masc. n. widower.

numitai [nu.ˈmi.taj]

v. to sadden, to cause sorrow, to grieve (someone), to taunt, to torment, to (emotionally) hurt someone. See: hike.

nura' [ˈnu.ɾaʔ]

v. (1) nura' inui - to push (smth. forward); (2) nura' be'an - to push away (in rejection), to reject.

nurai [nu.ˈɾaj]

adj. weak, sickly. See: hiras.

nuri [nu.ˈɾi]

fin. weakly, helplessly. See: kuru.

nuritai [nu.ˈɾi.taj]

v. (+ rcp.) (1) to be weakened, to become sick, to be afflicted by (+ org. disease). (2) nuritai ihia - to be incapacitated or fall sick from exposure, exertion, exhaustion. See: hike, ihia.

nus [nus]

fin. to taste. See: urap.

nutai [nu.ˈtaj]

v. (1) nutai unu - to lie on one's back; (2) nutai kabai - to lie on one's side.

nutia' [nu.ˈtjaʔ]

n. lazy person, loafer, idler, useless person.

nueman [ˈnɯ.man]

masc. n. buffalo.

nuen [ˈnɯn]

fin. low, mild, short (in stature). See: ija'.

nueranuera [nɯ.ɾa.ˈnɯ.ɾa]

fem. n. butterfly.

nueri [nɯ.ɾi]

fin. to shrink, to be small. See: airis, tupi', tueri, sutu.

oha [ʔɔ.ˈha]

fin. in amazement, in surprise, in awe. See: tsatsai.

oha' [ˈɔ.haʔ]

masc. n. head.

oho' [ɔ.ˈhɔʔ]

fin. to be in horror, to be nauseated. See: mimbai.
See also: ho'an.

omasa' [ɔ.ma.ˈsaʔ]

masc. n. grandfather, elderly man.
See also: baan.

ona' [ˈɔ.naʔ]

v. (1) ona' jai'an - to open (a door); (2) ona' fata - to open (a container).
See also: pina'.

orafa [ʔɔ.ɾa.ˈfa]

v. to declare, to roar. See: um.

oroka [ʔɔ.ɾɔ.ˈka]

v. to croak, to make a croaking noise, to gargle. See: koro.

pa' [paʔ]

fin. to strike the ground (of inanim. things). See: kapa.

pa'a [pa.ʔa]

fin. to be indebted, to owe. See: mianai.

paan [ˈpaan]

adj. wide, expansive, great, grand. See: kairas.

paha' [ˈpa.haʔ]

masc. n. fly agaric, red poisonous mushroom.

pahaan [pa.ˈhaːn]

v. to be angry, to be furious, to throw a tantrum. See: kiki.

pahai [pa.ˈhaj]

masc. n. anger, bad temper.

pahas [pa.ˈhas]

adj. angry See: ihia.

pai [ˈpaj]

neut. n. place, location.

pajain [ˈpa.ʣajn]

v. to make an oath, to come to an agreement, to settle an issue or dispute. The parties in agreement are in the cvy.; the agreement itself is in the rcp.. See: man.

paka [pa.ˈka]

conj. but, however.

paka be [pa.ka bɛ]

adv. almost, not quite, nearly. A verb modified by paka be usu. has its fin. negated or replaced with dusan.

pama [ˈ]

v. (1) pama pini - to press down, to flatten; (2) pama ukan - to push downwards.

pampa [ˈ]

fin. to grope about, to feel. See: hibis.

pamra [ˈpam.ɾa]

v. to run. See: itan, asu, papa.

panei [ˈpa.nej]

fem. n. the Milky Way.

panikan [ˈ]

fem. n. night sky.
See also: sinkan.

panis [pa.ˈnis]

masc. n. star.

panpan [pan.ˈpan]

fin. to jiggle, to rebound. See: banta.

panta [ˈpan.ta]

neut. n. wall (of a house).

papa []

fin. to patter, to make quick steps. See: tatai, pamra.

para [pa.ɾa]

fin. to be victorious, to triumph, to gloat. See: huhan, uepa'.

paraf [ˈpa.ɾaf]

neut. n. volcanic ash, powder.

paraf ta'an [ˈpa.ɾaf ta.ʔan]

Ash fall (“powder rain”).

param [pa.ˈɾam]

fem. n. vine, rope.

parama1 [ˈpa.ɾ]

n. a violent, rock-crushing, earth-rending earthquake.

parama2 [ˈpa.ɾ]

v. to cause a violent earthquake. See: kara.

paramai [pa.ˈɾa.maj]

v. to hang smth. (cvy.) on a tree or branch (cvy.), to suspend (by tying or fastening to smth., esp. with a rope or string). See: kinu.

paran [pa.ˈɾan]

fin. to be of age, to reach adulthood, to reach full development. See: kakitai, meman.

parapa [pa.ɾ]

fin. to be in a messy state, to be in a heap, to be in collapse, disarray, or ruin. See: makara, nipiri, takutsi.

parat [pa.ˈɾat]

masc. n. (1) mouth; (2) entrance; (3) crater of a volcano, esp. an active volcano.

parat hiis [pa.ɾat ˈhiːs]

“I am thirsty.”

parikas [pa.ˈɾi.kas]

neut. n. (1) smth. that causes stumbling, stumbling stone, stumbling block; (2) slip-up, mistake.
See also: bai'as.

paritam [pa.ˈɾi.tam]

v. (1) paritam atam: to trip over, to stumble, to slip and fall. (2) paritam utu': to fall into sitting position very hard.

pasanan [ˈ]

masc. n. town.
See also: misanan.

pata' [pa.ˈtaʔ]

masc. n. (1) foot, paw; (2) step (of walking).

pata' pikas akun [pa.taʔ ˈpi.kas ʔa.kun]

Nearby, very close by, lit. five steps away.

pata' titiran akun [pa.taʔ ti.ˈti.ɾan ʔa.kun]

Far away, lit. many steps beyond.

patam [ˈpa.tam]

v. to strike downwards (on smth.), to hit on the head. See: aku'.

patsa [pa.ˈʦa]

fin. to strike with force, to injure. See: beta', dankau.

peha'ina [pɛ.ha.ˈʔ]

fem. n. (1) mythical evil creature associated with sulfurous smells, sulfurous vents, and fumaroles. Said to be black or dark red and wolf-like in shape, but variously deformed, such as having extra limbs, or unnatural protrusions from the body. (2) derog. colloq. a person who has bad body odor, usu. due to not washing; derivatively, a social outcast, an unwelcome person, a person who brings trouble, misfortune, or ill will. (3) colloq. a demeaning or rebuking term of address to children who refuse to bathe.
See also: pehe'.

pehe' [pɛ.ˈhɛʔ]

(1) adj. disgusting, repulsive. (2) interj. exclam. of disgust. (3) fin. disgust. See: kuta', kirue.
See also: peha'ina.

pein [ˈpejn]

fem. n. time.

pein duru [ˈpejn duɾu]

*fem. n. a long time.

peira [ˈpej.ɾa]

neut. n. rain.

peira ta'an [ˈpej.ɾa ta.ʔan]

“It is raining”. Lit., “Rain touch-down”.

peitai [ˈpej.taj]

v. to make time, to schedule, to allocate time. See: jijit.

peka' [pɛ.ˈkaʔ]

v. to kill, to bite to death (used of predatory animals). See: dunan, karapa'.

penei [ˈpɛ.nej]

fem. n. (1) neck; (2) handle (of an object), esp. a straight handle. Compare kaba.

pente' [ˈpɛn.tɛʔ]

fem. n. stone tray.

pepa' [ˈpɛ.paʔ]

v. (1) pepa' haa - to clap hands, to applaud. (2) pepa' di'an - to clap (only a few times).

pepai [ˈpɛ.paj]

adv. always, all the time.
See also: nemai.

pepe' [pɛ.ˈpɛʔ]

fin. to be squeezed, to be crammed. See: sai, nisat.

pera [pɛ.ˈɾa]

adv. to try to, to attempt to.

pera' [pɛ.ɾɛʔ]

fin. to creep across a surface. See: pikutsai.

pere' [ˈpɛ.ɾɛ]

v. to smear over, to spread across a surface, to ooze out, to creep out slowly. See: ipi'.

pesa'at [ˈpɛ.sa.ʔat]

neut. n. (1) foundry, forge; (2) generic term for the place where apprentices are trained by their mentors.

pesaa [ˈpɛ.saː]

neut. n. metal, iron.

peta' [ˈpɛ.taʔ]

v. (1) to spit; (2) to eject, to erupt, describing some strombolian eruptions (or eruptions in general, if describing tephra). See: pii.

petsa [ˈpɛ.ʦa]

v. to explode, esp. used of a sudden, violent volcanic explosion. See: kara.

pia' [ˈpjaʔ]

masc. n. pole, shaft.

piana' [ˈpja.naʔ]

v. to disturb, pester, or annoy; to cause a commotion. Compare: tsutatsuta. See: hike.

pii [ˈpiː]

fin. to spit. See: peta'.

pika [ˈpi.ka]

neut. n. hand, or the palm of the hand.

pikas [ˈpi.kas]

num. five (5); colloq. a few, some, a handful of.
See also: pita.

pikin [ˈpi.kin]

fem. n. a round, flat disc made of woven straw, used as a dish cover or a fan.

pikis [ˈpi.kis]

num. one-fifth (1/5).

pikitas [pi.ˈki.tas]

v. to wipe (smth. off a surface), esp. with one's hand. See: arui.
See also: kasai.

pikitis [ˈ]

*part. of pikis.

piku' [pi.kuʔ]

masc. enclitic n. fist, knuckles.

pikutsa' [pi.ku.ˈʦaʔ]

masc. n. spider (lit. crawler).

pikutsa' kukas [pi.ku.ˈʦaʔ ku.kas]

masc. n. scorpion (lit. frightful spider).

pikutsai [pi.ˈku.ʦaj]

v. to crawl on all fours. Etym. “to hand-and-foot”. See: pera'.

pina' [ˈpi.naʔ]

v. (1) pina' bat - to close (a door); (2) _pina' simun.2_ - to close (a container).
See also: ona'.

pinai [ˈpi.naj]

v. to feed (esp. a child). See: muun.

pini []

fin. to be flattened. See: kunpat, kuritas, pama.

pipi [pi.pi]

fin. to blush, to be modest, to be ashamed. See: itsui.

pipian [ˈpi.pjan]

fem. n. pattern, esp. a pretty decorative pattern, or an arrangement of flowers.

pipiras [pi.ˈpi.ɾas]

fem. n. a kind of white flower in Fara.

piraf [ˈpi.ɾaf]

neut. n. sulphur, esp. in yellow powder form.

pirat [ˈpi.ɾat]

adj. yellow. See: inai.

pireis [ˈpi.ɾejs]

fem. n. yellow mushroom (chanterelle).

piri [pi.ɾi]

fin. to fall apart into pieces, to be split apart. See: sahai, sintai, ne'in.

pirintai [ˈpi.ɾin.taj]

v. to cut into small pieces (esp. with a sharp instrument), to chop into bits. See: puput.

pisi []

fin. to be despicable, to be worthless, to be filthy, to be undesirable. See: he'.

pisu [ˈ]

neut. n. spittle.

pita [ˈpi.ta]

quant. few, little. Used only of things, not people.

pite' [ˈpi.tɛʔ]

adj. short (in length). Compare ija'. See: ime.

po'at [ˈpɔ.at]

adj. bitter (taste), unpleasant-tasting. See: hike.

po'itai [ˈpɔ.ʔi.taj]

v. to heal, to cure. See: kusei.

pojei [ˈpɔ.ʣej]

v. to make a promise, to offer smth. in return for a favor or agreement, to persuade by promising recompense. See: ai'ai.

poma'an [ˈpɔ.ma.ʔan]

neut. n. medicine, concoction.

poriaba [ˈpɔ.ɾ]

fem. n. ointment.

poribai [ˈpɔ.ɾi.baj]

v. to anoint, to apply an ointment. See: muin.

poron [pɔ.ɾɔn]

neut. enclitic n. coin, money.

puaha [ˈpwa.ha]

v. to splatter, to spill (involitional). See: kara.
See also: tukai.

puat [ˈpwat]

v. (1) puat isu - to squeeze (with the hands), to wring; (2) puat ubu - to knead, to mold, to shape with the hands.
See also: uke'uke.

puipui [ˈpuj.puj]

fin. to float, to bob (on water). See: atsun.

punaras [ˈɾas]

adj. unpleasant smelling, stinking. See: pehe'.

punareis [ˈɾejs]

neut. n. unpleasant smell, bad odor.

punareis hu'uen [ˈɾejs hu.ʔɯn]

neut. n. sulfurous smell.
See also: hu'is.

puni [ˈ]

v. (1) to spin smth.; (2) to unroll (a ball of thread). See: ku'u.

punpa [ˈ]

v. to smash into pieces, to pulverize, to defeat and scatter (an enemy). See: kara.

pupun [pu.ˈpun]

fin. to gallop, to trot. See: uente'.

pupus [pu.ˈpus]

adj. neatly lined up one next to another, forming rows. See: jijit.

puput [pu.ˈput]

fin. to be in chunks, to be in pieces. See: pirintai.

purat [ˈpu.ɾat]

fem. n. skin, esp. animal skin used to make clothing, leather.

puresi [pu.ɾɛ.ˈsi]

fem. n. carrot (lit. long root).

puri [pu.ˈɾi]

neut. n. tuber, edible root.

purifiras [pu.ɾi.ˈfi.ɾas]

fem. n. bulb of garlic; lit. flower-root, so named because the arrangement of its cloves resembles the arrangement of flower petals.

puru [pu.ɾu]

cmp. adj. more, more of. See: tura.
See also: sutu.

puru ke [ˈpu.ɾu kɛ]

“More, more!”

puru kumai [pu.ɾu ku.ˈmaj]

adv. more and more, increasingly.

purusu [pu.ɾu.ˈsu]

v. to have diarrhoea, to suffer from diarrhoea. See: kirue.

purut [pu.ˈɾut]

masc. n. belly, guts, intestines.

purutai [pu.ˈɾu.taj]

v. (1) purutai umui - to feel (an emotion), to intuit, to inwardly sense; (2) purutai nitai - to know (by intuition, by inner conviction), to realize the significance of. (3) purutai tari so nitai - to have an insight, to have something meaningful to say. Compare hanitai ai, injat imuen.

pusu []

fin. to pour, to flow. See: husu.

put [put]

fem. n. (1) piece, chunk, fragment (of a larger whole); (2) (with fractional num.) some (of a larger group of objects).
See also: kut.

putara [ˈpu.ta.ɾa]

v. to overflow, to spill. See: kora.

puesat [ˈpɯ.sat]

adj. twisted, gnarly, withered. See: kuta'.

-s [s]

part. suffix.
See also: -is.

sa- [sa]

masc. rcp. prefix.

sa [sa]

ptcl. masc. rcp. marker.

sa' [saʔ]

fem. n. cut, gash, wound, esp. with bleeding. Compare ko', ka'.
See also: sisa'.

sa'asei [ˈsa.ˈʔa.sej]

*colloq. variation of saasei. See: sasa.

saa [saː]

fin. to catch fire. See: habas.

saan [saːn]

fin. brighteningly, dawning. See: baran.

saani [ˈsaː.ni]

v. to shine, to illuminate. See: saban.

saasei [ˈsaː.sej]

*euph. contraction of sasa sei. See: sasa.

saba [ˈ]

v. (1) saba anan to rise, to stand up. (2) saba iim to awake from sleep.

sabaa [sa.ˈbaː]

v. (1) sabaa iunai - to set free, to release, to loose. (2) sabaa aman + v. + epan - to permit, to allow, to give permission to. (3) sabaa amai - to forgive, to pardon.

saban [sa.ˈban]

fin. to come alive, to awake, to be illuminated.

sabu' [sa.ˈbuʔ]

v. (1) to choke (2) to plug (a tube or bottle). See: uku.

saha' [ˈsa.haʔ]

masc. n. corporal, sergeant. Leader of a group of soldiers.

sahai [ˈsa.haj]

v. to slay (with a sharp weapon), to kill. See: piri.

sahan [ˈsa.han]

masc. n. soldier, warrior, fighter, guard.

sahu [sa.ˈhu]

refl. n. myself, yourself, him/herself, itself. Reflexively refers to topic NP.

sai [ˈsaj]

adj. narrow, walled-in. See: pepe'.

saipia' [ˈsaj.pjaʔ]

masc. n. spear. (Lit., blood-shaft).

saipitai [saj.ˈpi.taj]

v. to pierce with a spear, to skewer. See: kia'.

saisu [ˈ]

fem. n. blood, internal bodily fluids.

saitsu'ina [saj.ʦu.ʔ]

fem. n. leech, vampire bat, blood-sucking creature.

sakat [ˈsa.kat]

v. to fan. See: ahu.

saman [ˈ]

n. guardian, caretaker. A person in charge of watching over persons, children, or the proceeding of a certain operation to ensure that no disruptions occur.

samat [ˈsa.mat]

masc. n. adult man.
See also: bunari.

san [san]

(1) n. person, human. (2) post. Mr., Ms., Mrs. Used as an emphatically formal modifier for proper nouns.

san kuru [san ˈku.ɾu]

n. beggar. (Lit., hungry person.)

san muras [san ˈmu.ɾas]

n. lava artist. (Lit., grey person.)

sapa' [sa.ˈpaʔ]

masc. n. doctor, healer, physician.

sara [ˈsa.ɾa]

fem. n. cloth, rag.

saraa [sa.ɾaː]

fin. to scatter (like chaff), to scatter to the winds, to pour out like threshed grain or sand, to disperse over the ground like powder. See: bebe.

sarap [sa.ˈɾap]

adj. (1) sarap kiki - delicious, has an exciting taste, tasty. (2) sarap miin - delicious and satiating.

sarapi [sa.ɾa.pi]

fin. to be cooked deliciously. See: habas.

sarasai [sa.ɾa.ˈsaj]

fem. n. harvest.

sasa [ˈsa.ˈsa]

fem. n. sister-in-law (husband's older sister). Before sei contracts to saasei or colloq. sa'asei.
See also: nisa.

sasarai [sa.ˈsa.ɾaj]

v. (1) sasarai muin - to arrange (bedding), to prepare a place to settle down, to line with bedding. (2) sasarai tsi - to make a nest, to prepare a home. (3) sasarai ipi' - to settle an area, to spread out, propagate over an area.

sata [sa.ta]

fin. to be safe, to be sheltered or protected. See: kamat.

sei [sej]

ptcl. fem. cvy. marker.

seira [ˈsej.ɾa]

fin. restful, serene, comforting. See: jaranai, muini.

seiras [ˈsej.ɾas]

adj. restful, serene, beautiful. See: muin.

seitai [ˈsej.taj]

v. to ask, to question, to inquire. See: aibai.

si- [si]

fem. cvy. prefix.

si'ai [si.ʔaj]

*Contraction of sei and ai.

si'ei [si.ʔej]

*Contraction of sei and ei.

si'iat [si.ˈʔjat]

fem. n. (1) spider web, cobweb; (2) sticky white mucus, esp. that found on the surface of plants.

sia [ˈsja]

interrog. n. “who?” - inquires the identity of a person.
See also: sii.

sia' [ˈsjaʔ]

derog. slang n. A nobody, a person of no social status, no significance, no recognizable achievement.

siana [ˈ]

fem. n. shame, embarrassment, disrepute, dishonor.

sianas [ˈsja.nas]

adj. shameful, dishonorable, disreputable. See: baibai.

sifan [ˈ]

neut. n. midday, day.

sifan kana [ˈ]

“Today”, “this day”. See: kana.

sifan ku [ˈ ku]

“It is midday; noon has come.”

sifat [ˈsi.fat]

neut. n. steam, esp. a plume of steam erupted from a geyser.

sii [siː]

interrog. n. (1) “what?”; (2) “Who?” - inquires the role of a person.
See also: sia.

sii i'i [ˈsiː i.'i]

*interrog. “how” (to do smth.).

sii so habat ta? [ˈsiː sɔ ˈha.bat ta]

*colloq. “What now?”, “what to do?”, “now what?”. (Lit. what is fitting [to do]?)

sii utu [ˈsiː u.tu]

*interrog. “why” (for what purpose).

sikarat [si.ˈka.ɾat]

neut. n. frame, structure, support, undergirding. Refers to any built structure or object, esp. with a supporting frame, including furniture, supporting structures, or any complex, firm, intertwining structure.

sikitai [si.ˈki.taj]

v. to pinch, to press together. See: tsit1.

simani [ˈ]

n. domesticated wolf.

simun1 [ˈsi.mun]

neut. n. wrapping, smth. wrapped.

simun2 [si.ˈmun]

fin. to piece together, to join into one, to unite. See: na'itai, pina'.

sinasu [ˈ]

fem. n. slow-flowing lava (pahoehoe).
See also: jukasu.

sinkan [ˈsin.kan]

masc. n. the daytime sky.
See also: panikan, fii.

sinku' [ˈsin.kuʔ]

fem. n. knife, blade.

sintai [ˈsin.taj]

v. to cut asunder, to slice, to split (wood). See: piri.

sintarin [sin.ta.ˈɾin]

collec. n. (1) victims, the wounded; (2) mourners, the bereaved.

sipan [ˈsi.pan]

neut. n. wooden tray, wooden box.

siris [ˈsi.ɾis]

fem. n. lightning.
See also: hutaran.

siris tsatsan [si.ˈɾis ʦa.ʦan]

“There is lightning”. Lit., “lightning flashing”.
See also: tsatsan.

sirit [ˈsi.ɾit]

v. to flash (light), to repeatedly shine and dim. See: tsatsan.

sisa' [si.ˈsaʔ]

fin. painfully. See: jaka, haba.

sisa'an [si.ˈsa.ʔan]

fem. n. pain, esp. sharp pain (+ part.: in a body part).

sisa'an jamis [si.ˌsa.ʔan ˈʣa.mis]

*fem. n. toothache.

sisi' [si.ˈsiʔ]

fin. to stick, to be sticky. See: diabas.

sisia' [si.sjaʔ]

*arch. fem. n. prostitute. See: najin.

sisian [si.sjan]

fin. to be naked, uncovered, bare, exposed. See: naja.

sisiat [si.ˈsjat]

adj. naked, nude. See: baibai.

sisita [si.ˈsi.ta]

v. to talk, to chat, to chatter, to gossip. Often used in place of tsana when referring to conversations between third parties where the content of conversation is unimportant or unknown. See: isin.
See also: tsana.

sita [si.ta]

*Contraction of sei + ta.

sita' [ˈsi.taʔ]

fem. n. older sister.

sitiran [si.ˈti.ɾan]

neut. n. litter, trash, scattered waste.

so- []

neut. cvy. prefix.

so []

ptcl. neut. cvy. marker.

sohaa [sɔ.ˈhaː]

fin. to be consumed. See: fusitas, sumkisa.

somata [ˈsɔ.ma.ta]

v. (1) to give birth, to be born; (2) to lay (eggs). See: ubun.

su' [suʔ]

fin. to pet, to play. See: tsaijin.

sua [ˈswa]

*Common fem. name.

suha' [su.ˈhaʔ]

v. to kill (in battle), to die (while in battle or in a fight). See: dunan.

suhaa [ˈsu.haː]

adj. strong and healthy. See: airan.

suhitai [ˈsu.hi.taj]

v. suhitai airan - to be refreshed, to recover one's health, to be strengthened.

suiri [ˈsuj.ɾi]

fem. n. a woman's hair (esp. long hair).

suju [ˈsu.ʣu]

fem. n. gemstone, jewel, precious stone.

sujuin [su.ˈʣujn]

adj. precious, dear. See: jinai.

suka [ˈsu.ka]

v. to follow, to accompany, to come with (someone). See: dusu.

suman [ˈ]

fem. n. farm, plantation, garden.

sumat [ˈsu.mat]

masc. n. farmer, worker, gardener, laborer.

sumkisa [sum.ˈ]

v. to die by lava burial, to be encased in lava. See: sohaa.

sumu' [su.ˈmuʔ]

neut. n. well, water-hole.

suna [ˈ]

fem. n. pleasant sound, music. Compare hona.

sunai [su.ˈnaj]

v. (1) sunai murimuun - to rub (over the surface of); (2) sunai jinai, sunai muin - to caress.

sunis [ˈsu.nis]

adj. smooth (of a surface). See: muu.

sunu []

fin. musically, to make a musical sound. See: firitai.

sura [ˈsu.ɾa]

fem. n., robe; traditional garment of women in Fara.

surai [ˈsu.ɾaj]

fem. n. kindness, generosity, compassion.
See also: suri.

suran [ˈsu.ɾan]

v. (1) suran atan: to weep. (2) suran kora: to non-explosively erupt lava.

surap [ˈsu.ɾap]

fem. n., a drink, water.

surat [ˈsu.ɾat]

v. (1) surat tarian - to seek, to search for. (2) surat hike - to seek vengeance, to impose punishment, to bring trouble to. (Lit., to seek one out for the purpose of punishment or retaliation.)
See also: tsuni.

suri [ˈsu.ɾi]

fin. to be generous, to be kind. See: mi'ai, mi'itai.
See also: surai.

suru [ˈsu.ɾu]

v. to lick, to taste, to savor. See: niman.

susan [ˈsu.san]

v. to dance, to twirl around, to spin oneself. See: ku'u, asu.

susu [su.ˈsu]

fin. dripping wet, flowing with water. See: tso', ues1.

suti [ˈsu.ti]

*Common fem. name.

sutu [su.tu]

cmp. adj. less, less of. See: nueri.
See also: puru.

sutu ke [ˈsu.tu kɛ]

“Less, less!”

sutu kumai [su.tu ku.ˈmaj]

adv. less and less, decreasingly.

sutsai [ˈsu.ʦaj]

adj. useful, of utility. Compare: mianepas. See: habat.

ta [ta]

interrog. post.

ta'a [ˈta.ʔa]

post. downwards, down the sides of.
See also: ta'ui.

ta'an [ˈta.ʔan]

fin. “down”, “down to the bottom”; hitting the ground, falling on the ground, reaching the floor. See: peira ta'an, tapa.

ta'ui [ta.ˈuj]

adv. downwards.
See also: ta'a.

taaho [ˈtaː.hɔ]

*Common masc. name.

tafa [ˈta.fa]

v. (1) tafa hiu - to fall down, to drop down (intransitive), to tumble down; (2) tafa ja' - to fall sprawling on the ground.

tahan [ˈta.han]

v. to erupt. See: bufat.
See also: tuharas.

taiku' [taj.ˈkuʔ]

masc. n. axe.

takas [ˈta.kas]

adj. wise and muscular. See: muantan.

taku' [ta.ˈkuʔ]

v. (1) to till the ground; (2) to work, to labor. See: uesan.

takutsi [ta.ˈku.ˈʦi]

v. (1) takutsi utu' - to squat, to sit squatting. Etym. to sit on the thighs. (2) takutsi kinu - to perch, to sit (on a branch, a log, etc.). (3) takutsi kutan - to defecate, to urinate. (4) takutsi parapa - to stop working (of vehicles, mechanisms, etc.), esp. when unexpected.
See also: kutsi, kutai, kusu.

tampa [ˈ]

v. to throw, to hurl. See: tuu.

tan'as [ˈtan.ʔas]

num. one hundred (100).

tan'at [ˈtan.ʔat]

neut. n. a gathering, an assembly. Compare: mihatan.

tanap [ˈta.nap]

v. to dwell, to live in. See: tsi.

tanap jain [ˈta.nap ʣajn]

“Goodbye”. Said to those who are remaining while one leaves.
See also: jain, tapa jain.

taneko' [ta.ˈnɛ.kɔʔ]

v. taneko' utu' - to kneel.
See also: neko', ta'an.

tansu [ˈ]

fem. n. tears, secretion from the eyes that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face.
See also: atan.

tanta [ˈtan.ta]

masc. n. hot coals, embers.
See also: hubus.

tantitai [tan.ˈti.taj]

v. to bake over coals. See: saa, sarapi.
See also: tanta.

tapa [ta.ˈpa]

v. to walk, to tread. (1) tapa bata: to walk, to go. (2) tapa ta'an: to descend to the bottom. (3) tapa anan: to ascend to the top. Note that tapa ta'an and tapa anan usu. don't depend solely on the fin. to convey the directional meaning; usu. some other post. or adv. is included in the sentence. The fin. is merely “in agreement” with those other elements. (4) tapa beipa' dusan: to get lost, to lose one's way, to go to the wrong place. See: bata, ta'an, anan, dusan.

tapa jain [ta.ˈpa ʣajn]

“Goodbye”, “farewell”. Said to those who are leaving while one remains.
See also: jain, tanap jain.

tapatapa [ˈpa]

v. (1) tapatapa heibata - to walk a long way, to walk a lot, to go to many places. (2) tapatapa upa'upau - to bustle around, to walk all over, to busy oneself running back and forth. Compare: kahai.

tara' [ˈta.ɾaʔ]

3rd person anim. sg. pron., “he”, “she”.
See also: fei.

tari [ˈta.ɾi]

fem. n. (1) word; (2) short utterance, interjection.
See also: tatari.

tarian [ta.ˈɾjan]

fin. to leaf through, to turn over every corner. See: surat, tumai.

tasa [ˈ]

v. to capture, to catch, to grab hold of. See: busai.

tatai [ˈta.taj]

v. to hurry, to rush. See: papa.

tatarai [ta.ˈta.ɾaj]

v. to assert, to say, to claim, to express one's belief or conviction. Compare: tsana. See: ai'ai.

tatari [ta.ˈta.ɾi]

neut. n. speech, language.
See also: tari.

tatari aniin [ta.ˈta.ɾi ʔa.niːn]

“It makes sense”, “that's true”, “I agree”. Expression of agreement or consent.

tatari bei'aniin [ta.ˈta.ɾi ˈbej.ʔa.niːn]

(1) “It doesn't make sense”, “I don't agree”. (2) (to a foreigner) “We don't say it like that”.

tatis [ta.ˈtis]

neut. n. path, way, street, road.

te' [tɛʔ]

post. ordinal marker, modifies a num. n..

tei'u' [ˈtej.ʔuʔ]

masc. n. brother-in-law (wife's older brother).

teihu [ˈ]

adv. “there ought to be”, “I think it should be”, “probably”.

teiku [ˈtej.ku]

masc. n. uncle (mother's brother).
See also: haipa.

teinin [tej.ˈnin]

adj. smart, attentive, observant, thoughtful. See: tipai.

teira [ˈtej.ɾa]

masc. n. older brother.

teiri' [tej.ˈɾiʔ]

masc. n. older son, grown son.
See also: di'.

teiria' [tej.ˈɾjaʔ]

v. to flatter, to praise, to speak highly of. See: fai, kakat.

teirias [tej.ˈɾjas]

neut. n. flattery, praise.

teirias pipi [tej.ˈɾjas pipi]

“Thank you”, “I am flattered”. Expression of modesty and/or gratitude in response to public praise or admiration.

teke [ˈtɛ.ˈkɛ]

*Short form of the name tekekuhakirakisan.

tekekuhakirakisan [ˈtɛ.ˈkɛɾa.ˈki.san]

*Name of the legendary patriarch of the inhabitants of Fara, usu. shortened to teke.
See also: teke.

teku' [tɛ.kuʔ]

neut. enclitic n. tool, esp. an instrument for cutting or hammering.

tepa' [ˈtɛ.ˈpaʔ]

*Common masc. name.

tepan [tɛ.ˈpan]

fin. handsome, majestic. See: teretibe, kirat.

tepas [ˈtɛ.pas]

adj. handsome, majestic. See: antam.

tera [tɛ.ˈɾa]

adv. it is necessary to, it is needed to, it ought to be.

terep [ˈtɛ.ɾɛp]

v. to command, to order, to demand, to request, to ask (to do smth.). See: ha'am.

teretibe [tɛ.ɾɛ.ˈti.bɛ]

v. (1) teretibe jijit - to govern, to rule, to administrate. Esp. to govern well, to set up everything in good order. (2) teretibe tepan - to reign over, boss over. Esp. in a showy sense. (3) teretibe parapa - to mismanage, to govern poorly, to allow things to fall to ruin or disarray. Used sarcastically, e.g., when referring to policies one does not like. See: jijit, tepan, parapa.
See also: terep, tibe.

teri'an [ˈtɛ.ɾi.ʔan]

adj. a crowd, a large group of people.

teri'as [ˈtɛ.ɾi.ʔas]

num. seventy-five (75).

ti' [ˈtiʔ]

neut. n. (1) dot, notch, indentation, cut, mark made by chipping. (2) pl. age. ti' jirabunas ta? - how old (are you)?. Etym. each spring parents would traditionally hold a celebration to commemorate the growth of their children, among the festivities of which includes the ritual of adding a notch to a long stick kept for each child, thereby marking their age.

ti' kumis [ˈtiʔ ku.mis]

neut. n. note, footnote. A short scribble, usu. 1 or 2 glyphs of the native writing, made as a reminder or mark for later reference.
See also: ti' taris, kum.

ti' taris [ˈtiʔ ˈta.ɾis]

neut. n. (1) letter, glyph (of the native writing); (2) scribble, note. See: tari.

ti'an [ti.ˈʔan]

fin. to conquer, to achieve, to be successful, to take care of one's responsibility or duty. See: kairitai, maha'.

tiap [tjap]

fin. to move oneself upwards, to retract upwards, to pull upwards. See: banta.

tiarap [ˈtja.ɾap]

v. to sing. See: asu.

tibai [ˈti.baj]

neut. n. sand.

tibas [ˈti.bas]

adj. of a fine, powdered form. See: firei.

tibe [ˈti.bɛ]

v. to prepare in advance, to lay out in order, to arrange. See: jijit.

tibun [ti.bun]

neut. enclitic n. (1) bowl; (2) derog. half of the hard shell of a fruit, worn as a primitive kind of helmet.

tihai [ˈti.haj]

adj. old, aged. Only used of people. See: mahaa.

tikas [ˈti.kas]

v. to light, to ignite (a lamp or torch). See: saan.
See also: habas.

tiki [ˈti.ˈki]

fem. n. rabbit, hare.

timai [ˈti.maj]

adj. affectionate, lovable, adorable. See: tsin.

tinju [ˈtin.ʣu]

v. to deliver, to bring (to someone). See: ikat.

tinka [ˈtin.ka]

fem. n. a coniferous tree.

tintan [ˈtin.tan]

v. to swap, to exchange, to rearrange, to permute. The objects being swapped are in the cvy. See: huinui.

tintatintan [tin.ta.ˈtin.tan]

v. to do business, to trade, to do commerce. See: ku'un.

tipai [ti.paj]

fin. to perceive, to foresee. See: kimei, teinin, dutarutan, fan'ai.

tiraf [ˈti.ɾaf]

masc. n. pine cone.

tiranas [ˈti.ɾa.nas]

num. one thousand two hundred and fifty (1250).

tirap [ˈti.ɾap]

neut. n. a tidbit, a small bite, a small amount of food.

tiras [ˈti.ɾas]

adj. white. See: huinin2.

tiratuhan [ti.ɾa.ˈtu.han]

fem. n. poem, verse; esp. a long poem consisting of many verses.

tiri [ˈti.ɾi]

v. to count, to enumerate, to calculate, to reckon. See: kiri.

titi [ti.ti]

adv. very much, profusely, repeatedly.

titiran [ti.ˈti.ɾan]

quant. many, much. Applies only to things, not persons.
See also: meija.

titiras [ti.ˈti.ɾas]

num. one hundred twenty-five (125).

to' [tɔʔ]

adj. hard, solid, rocky. Compare muu. See: uku'.

toto [tɔ.tɔ]

fin. to be nosey, to ignorantly poke around. See: misa', kunikuni.

toto' [tɔ.ˈtɔʔ]

masc. n. busybody, meddler. An irritating or bothersome intrusive man.
See also: kikiat, misat.

tu' [tuʔ]

fin. to be covered, to be tucked in. See: nese.

tu'a' [ˈtu.ʔaʔ]

n. sick person, invalid.
See also: atu'an.

tu'u' [tu.ʔuʔ]

fin. to nudge on, to prod, to spur. See: tujui.

tuaman [ˈ]

*Common masc. name.

tuapa' [twa.ˈpaʔ]

masc. n. head-band, turban. A piece of cloth wrapped around the head in men's traditional attire.

tuara [ˈtwa.ɾa]

fem. n. lava lake, esp. one that has not yet completely solidified.

tuhanai [tu.ˈha.naj]

v. to lead the way, to guide, to direct, to keep one on the path. See: anui1.

tuharas [ˈtu.ha.ɾas]

v. to erupt violently (esp. in referring to plinian eruptions). Describes powerful eruptions with plumes that reach beyond the clouds. See: fai.

tuitui [ˈtuj.tuj]

masc. n. top (a child's toy, usu. made of wood cut into a conical shape and made to spin on its tip).

tujui [ˈtu.ʣuj]

v. (1) tujui akai - to shoo away, to chase away. Compare aipam. (2) tujui tu'u' - to urge on.
See also: aipam.

tukaan [ˈtu.kaːn]

masc. n. old man, elderly man.

tukai [ˈtu.kaj]

v. (1) tukai bua' to pour out, to pour away. (2) tukai miin - to fill up.
See also: puaha.

tumaha [ˈha]

adj. (1) rich, composed of many components, rich in content, bountiful; (2) fruitful, with abundance; (3) nutritious. See: kurai.

tumahan [ˈhan]

masc. n. (1) riches, resources; (2) ingredients, components.

tumai [ˈtu.maj]

v. to remind, to recall, to reminisce, to contemplate. See: ukum, tarian.
See also: kumi.

tuman [ˈ]

neut. n. (1) balance, stability; (2) weight.

tumanas [ˈ]

adj. (1) flat (horizontal), balanced, equal, commensurate; (2) colloq. precise, exact. Used to specify an exact number where number words are being used approximately, e.g., san pikas - a handful of people; san pikas tumanas - exactly five people. See: tsit1.

tumitai [tu.ˈmi.taj]

v. to balance (oneself), esp. on one foot. See: tsit2.

tun [ˈtun]

neut. n. slope, the flanks of a volcano.

tunpa [ˈ]

fin. surprisingly, shockingly, jolting. See: fanra, tsaka.

tupenai [tu.ˈpɛ.naj]

fem. n. shawl, cape.

tupi' [tu.ˈpiʔ]

v. to shrink, to shrivel up. See: nueri.

tura [tu.ˈɾa]

fin. expanding, encompassing. See: baasa, kahan, puru.

turai [tu.ˈɾaj]

v. (1) turai mura - to grow up, to mature. (2) turai anan - to sprout, to appear (on the earth), to come into existence.

turei [ˈtu.ɾei]

v. (1) to enter into, to insert, to put inside, to cause to be inside. (2) to instill, to inspire. See: inu.

tutu [tutu]

fin. to be tall, high-reaching. See: himas.

tuu [tuː]

fin. to be hurled. See: tampa.

tuene [ˈtɯ.nɛ]

v. to stretch out, to elongate. See: ikas.

tueri [ˈtɯ.ɾi]

adj. small, tiny. See: nueri.

tsa [ʦa]

fin. “to munch”. See: ka'am.

tsaijin [ʦai.ˈʣin]

v. (1) tsaijin su' - to play (with), to pet; (2) tsaijin nari - to play, esp. noisily. If used of people, all arguments in cvy.; if used of people and toys, people in org., toys in cvy..

tsaka [ˈʦa.ka]

v. to shake (someone) by the shoulders roughly, to rough-house (someone). See: tunpa, hike.

tsam [ʦam]

fin. “to sink one's teeth into”. See: kitsit.

tsana [ˈʦ]

v. (1) tsana aniin: to say, to speak (casually). (2) tsana daran: to deliver a long speech; daran: “and so forth”. (3) tsana aniin + ku'is so: to read out loud; to cite, to quote. Compare: kimei. See: aniin, daran.
See also: sisita.

tsanatsana [ʦˈʦ]

v. to rant, to give a long lecture, to talk non-stop, to spout off about smth, to talk in a long-winded way. See: hei'aniin.

tsapat [ʦa.ˈpat]

masc. n. cymbal, bell, rod, tube. A musical instrument, typically a thin rectangular piece of iron, struck to make clanging sounds.

tsaritas [ˈʦa.ɾi.tas]

n. monkey, chimpanzee, ape.

tsat [ʦat]

adj. (1) tsat asu - fast, quick; (2) tsat kiki - quick-tempered, impatient, irritable, touchy. See: asu, kiki.

tsatitai [ʦa.ˈti.taj]

v. to catch up to, to overtake (in running). See: hufus.

tsatsai [ʦa.ˈʦaj]

adj. amazing, fascinating, impressive, awesome. See: oha.

tsatsan [ʦa.ʦan]

fin. blindingly flash. See: sirit.

tse [ʦɛ]

(1) sg. 2nd person pron., “you”. (2) interj. “Sir!”, “Ma'am!”, “you there!”. (3) Vocative ptcl., inserted between last adj. and case clitic.

tseitsei [ˈʦej.ˈʦej]

fem. n. (tseitsi directly before case ptcl.; irr. voc. tseitsei huun) mother-in-law (husband's mother).
See also: neisa.

tseitsi [ˈʦei.ˈʦi]

*fem. n. mother-in-law (husband's mother). Euph. contraction of tseitsei when directly before a case ptcl. See: tseitsei.

tsen [ʦɛn]

*pron. “yours”; gen. of tse.

tsi [ʦi]

fin. to dwell. See: sasarai, tanap.

tsi' [ˈʦiʔ]

neut. n. tail (of an animal), esp. a short, stubby tail.

tsi'ai [ˈʦi.ʔaj]

v. to love. See: jinai.

tsi'an [ˈʦi.ʔan]

n. dweller, inhabitant. Used esp. in calling for attention when visiting one's dwelling place.

tsi'an tse [ˈʦi.ʔan ʦɛ]

“Anybody home?” - call for attention when visiting one's dwelling.

tsia [ˈʦja]

*Common fem. name.

tsihan [ˈʦi.han]

fem. n. sneeze, cold (illness).
See also: atu'an.

tsihas [ˈʦi.has]

v. to sneeze. See: kiki.

tsika [ˈʦi.ka]

n. seed. Gender usu. follows that of plant in question.

tsin [ʦin]

fin. to be cute, to be affectionate. See: timai.

tsin'ui [ˈʦin.ʔuj]

fem. n. fox.

tsinai [ˈʦi.naj]

v. to like (a person), to be at peace with. See: aman.
See also: uenai, ein.

tsinka [ʦin.ˈka]

neut. n. (1) green onion; (2) any edible green herb.

tsinta [ˈʦin.ta]

fem. n. eye, esp. the iris.

tsira [ˈʦi.ɾa]

neut. n. grass, green moss.

tsiris [ʦi.ɾis]

fin. lush, serene.

tsirus [ʦi.ˈɾus]

fem. n. pear, apple-pear. A small, yellow-green pear-like citrus fruit found at high altitudes on the slopes of the boundary mountains around Fara, related to apples and pears.

tsis [ˈʦis]

adj. (1) sharp (of a tool or weapon); (2) insightful (comment, observation). See: nitai.

tsit1 [ʦit]

fin. to be pinched, to stick together, to fasten, to fit together perfectly. See: sikitai, tumanas.

tsit2 [ʦit]

fin. expertly, skillfully, perfectly. See: tumitai.

tsitanis [ˈʦi.ta.nis]

*Common name for guard wolves (simani).

tsitsin1 [ˈʦi.ʦin]

adj. dizzy. See: koko.

tsitsin2 [ʦi.ˈʦin]

fin. vertigo. See: jumba2, uine'uine.

tsitsip [ˈʦi.ʦip]

v. to nibble, to sip. See: nirip.

tsitsit [ʦi.ˈʦit]

v. to chirp, to tweet, to sing a birdsong. See: isin.

tsiutuen [ˈʦju.tɯn]

fem. n. worm, maggot.

tsiutuen usun [ˈʦju.tɯn u.ˈsun]

fem. n. fish, water creature.

tso' [ˈʦɔʔ]

adj. wet, drenched. See: susu.

tsubi [ʦu.ˈbi]

v. to hide, to conceal (smth.). See: mimi.

tsubitsubi [ʦʦu.ˈbi]

v. to play hide-and-seek. See: mimi.

tsubitsubi uen? [ʦʦu.ˈbi ʔɯn]

“Let's play hide-and-seek!” Standard playground expr.

tsuha' [ˈʦu.haʔ]

masc. n. morel mushroom.

tsuinit [ʦuj.ˈnit]

fem. n. songbird.

tsukis [ʦu.ˈkis]

masc. n. mouse. Compare: hitse'.

tsum [ʦum]

fin. to smooch. See: niba'.

tsumarin [ʦˈɾin]

neut. n. pair of lovers, couple, lovebirds. Usu. refers to couples prior to marriage.

tsuna [ˈʦ]

masc. n. traditional garment of men in Fara.

tsuni [ˈʦ]

v. (1) to find; (2) to exist (used of inanim. objects). The cvy. case is used for that which is found. See: ira.
See also: surat.

tsunia' [ʦu.ˈnjaʔ]

v. to suck, to suckle. See: jinai.

tsuta [ˈʦu.ta]

v. (1) tsuta aibai - to discipline or correct a child, to instruct, to rebuke for correction; (2) tsuta niparan - to raise a child.

tsutatsuta [ʦu.ta.ˈʦu.ta]

v. tsutatsuta hike - to nag, to pester, to bother, to annoy by constant nagging or correction. Compare: piana'.

tsuekin [ˈʦɯ.kin]

neut. n. tail end, terminal, far extremity.
See also: hakin.

tsuen [ʦɯn]

fin. terminated, ended, deceased, at the end of.
See also: dunas.

u' [ˈʔuʔ]

neut. n. back, behind, hinder part.

uba' [ʔu.ˈbaʔ]

fem. n. (+ part.) edge (along the length of a long object), rim (of a crater), shore (of the huara).

ubu [ʔu.bu]

fin. to be rounded, to be molded into a lump.

ubun [ʔu.bun]

fin. to be born, to emerge from the womb. See: somata.

uine [ˈʔuj.nɛ]

v. uine inui - to turn (towards smth.), to face (some direction).

uine'uine [ʔuj.nɛ.ˈʔuj.nɛ]

v. uine'uine tsitsin, uine'uine huinui - to be confused, to turn this way and that way in confusion as to what to do next; to look in various random directions, abruptly turning from one direction to another.

uju [ʔu.ˈʣu]

post. through (an opening).

ukan [ʔu.ˈkan]

fin. weighing down, substantial. See: barat, pama.

ukas [ʔu.ˈkas]

adj. heavy, overweight. See: ito'.

uke [ˈʔu.kɛ]

v. (+ cvy.) to bend smth.; (+ rcp.) to bend into some shape. See: eina'.

uke'uke [ʔu.kɛ.ˈʔu.kɛ]

v. (1) uke'uke kuta' - (+ cvy.) to twist out of shape, to deform; (2) uke'uke isu - to wring.
See also: puat.

uku [ʔu.ku]

fin. to choke. See: sabu'.

uku' [ʔu.kuʔ]

fin. to be hard, hard to knock. See: to', kukitai.

ukum [ʔu.kum]

fin. to remember, to have smth. in memory. See: kumi, tumai.

ukup [ʔu.kup]

fin. to be bunched up, to be in bunches. See: dintai.

um [ʔum]

fin. to bellow. See: orafa.

umai [ʔu.maj]

adv. again, turning back, returning, going back to the former.

umas [ʔu.ˈmas]

fin. to procreate. See: minat.

umasan [ʔu.ˈma.san]

neut. n. offspring, children (collectively), descendents, the next generation.

umpas1 [ˈʔum.pas]

masc. n. heart (physical).
See also: maha.

umpas2 [ˈʔum.pas]

fem. n. emotion, passion, temper, instinct.

umui [ʔu.ˈmuj]

fin. contemplatively, emotionally, inwardly, intuitively. See: purutai.

una' [ʔu.ˈnaʔ]

fem. n. porridge, oatmeal, grits. Usu. made from wheat or corn.

unas [ˈʔu.nas]

masc. n. nephew (spouse's sibling's son).
See also: mu'at.

unta' [ʔun.ˈtaʔ]

fem. n. bed, bedding; straw mat.

unu [u.ˈnu]

fin. relaxedly, restfully, lying down. See: nutai.

up [ˈup]

neut. n. bundle, bunch, rick (of hay, corn, etc.).

upa' [ʔu.ˈpaʔ]

adv. away, away from here, out from here.
See also: upau, upi.

upa' upau [ʔu.ˈpaʔ ʔu.pao]

adv. hither thither, back and forth, in various random directions.

upa'upau [ʔʔu.pao]

fin. to go back and forth between many places. See: tapatapa.

upau [ʔu.ˈpao]

adv. to this place, to here, hither.
See also: upa', upi.

upi [ʔu.ˈpi]

neut. n. here, this place.
See also: upa', upau.

upitai [ʔu.ˈpi.taj]

v. to arrive, to come. See: dakat.

upu [ʔu.pu]

fin. to be in a pile, a bunch.

ura [ʔu.ˈɾa]

post. underneath, below, at the foot of.
See also: apa.

urap [ʔˈu.ɾap]

v. to taste (involitive), to taste like. See: nus.

uru [ʔu.ˈɾu]

post. entering into.
See also: iji.

urum [ˈʔu.ɾum]

v. to fall asleep, to go to sleep, to rest. See: muin.
See also: duum.

usa [ˈʔ]

v. (1) to live, to be awake, to be active. Active person in org.; (2) (with rcp. NP) to be attentive to smth., to be ready to do smth., to anticipate. See: airan.

usa' [ʔu.ˈsaʔ]

*Common masc. name.

usu [ˈʔ]

fem. n. water.

uti [ʔu.ˈti]

adj. straight, stretching forward. See: uetuen.

utu [ʔu.ˈtu]

adv. for the purpose of, in order to. Marks the clause as specifying the purpose of an action in the previous clause.

utu' [ʔu.ˈtuʔ]

fin. to sit down, to kneel. See: bumei, paritam, takutsi, taneko'.

ue' [ˈʔɯʔ]

neut. n. curved horn (of an animal).

uehaa [ʔˈɯ.haː]

masc. n. snow leopard, a feline predator with greyish to yellowish fur with spots, found mostly at high altitudes around the border mountains of Fara.

uen1 [ʔɯn]

fin. to smell. See: fahun.

uen2 [ʔɯn]

adv. colloq. to want to. E.g., tapa uen huu sa kapi no bata - I want to go there.
See also: uenai, ina.

uenai [ˈʔɯ.naj]

v. to desire, to want, to like (smth.), to need. See: ia.
See also: tsinai, uen2, ein.

uenian [ˈʔɯ.njan]

fem. n. desire, intention, purpose.

uente' [ˈʔɯn.tɛʔ]

v. to ride (a steed), to steer (a steed). See: pupun.

uepa' [ˈʔɯ.paʔ]

v. to flex one's muscles, to exert. Esp. in the way of showing off. See: fata, para.

uepa'uepa' [ʔɯ.pa.ˈʔɯ.paʔ]

v. to show off one's muscles, one's strength, to make a display of oneself, to try to impress. Used esp. of men; usu. used in the sense of trying too hard to please. See: fata, para.
See also: hamrahamra.

ues1 [ˈʔɯs]

adj. colloq. (1) ues hiras - tired, fatigued; (2) ues susu, ues ihia - drenched in sweat, exhausted (from exertion).

ues2 [ʔɯs]

adv. to dislike, hate (doing smth.).

uesan [ˈʔɯ.san]

fin. (1) to be uncomfortably warm, hot; (2) to exert, to expend much effort; (3) to be exhausted. See: ku'as, taku', dutarutan.

uesii [ˈʔɯ.siː]

masc. n. snail, slug.

uesu [ˈʔɯ.su]

neut. n. sweat.

uetuen [ʔɯ.tɯn]

fin. stretching, elongating. See: esei, uti.


adj.adjective adv.adverb
anim.animate arch.archaic
cmp.comparative collec.collective
colloq.colloquial conj.conjunction
cvy.conveyant dem.demonstrative
derog.derogatory disj.disjunction
esp.especially euph.euphonic
exclam.exclamation expr.expression
fem.feminine fin.finalizer
gen.genitive inanim.inanimate
interj.interjection interrog.interrogative
irr.irregular masc.masculine
n.noun neo.neologism
neut.neuter num.numeral
org.originative part.partitive
pej.pejorative pl.plural
post.postposition pron.pronoun
ptcl.particle quant.quantifier
rcp.receptive refl.reflexive
sg.singular smth.something
superl.superlative temp.temporal
usu.usually v.verb


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