Tatari Faran: the Language of Fara

Lexicon Charts

There are currently 1488 entries in the Tatari Faran lexicon. Of these, 1312 are single words, 57 are phrases, 15 are affixes, and 104 are pseudo-entries. There are 836 references and 284 cross-references in total.

The following chart shows the growth rate of the lexicon over time.

Tatari Faran
lexicon growth chart

The Tatari Faran lexicon was originally kept in an SVN repository, and now in a Git repository. The graph above is based on the size of the lexicon after each commit to the repository (each checkpoint). The number of new entries added at each commit is shown by the blue impulse lines. The number of entries is slightly more than the number of words because the lexicon file also contains affixes, set phrases, and pseudo-entries (specific forms of other entries which do not count as a distinct word).

Last updated 07 Mar 2023.

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