Ferochromon Cosmological History


This document attempts to outline the development of Ferochromon from the point-of-view of its physical structure from the moment of its inception up to the time when it became inhabitable. It should be understood that the Ferochromon is in constant dynamic flux, just like it was in the beginning; only, as time passes its structure becomes larger and more detailed.

It is hoped that this document will help the reader understand why the Ferochromon is the way it is—why it has the phenomena it does, why it is structured the way it is, what its various parts are, and what really is its entire structure.


  1. In the Beginning

  2. After the First Infinitesimal Amount of Time

  3. Differentiation of Function

  4. Differentiation of Mode

  5. The Formation of the Ethers

  6. Growth of the Ethers

  7. The Formation of the Realms

  8. Development of the Realms

  9. Realm-Ether Interactions

  10. Epilogue

In the Beginning

The Ferochromon Element

The Ferochromon Element is the precursor to everything in Ferochromon. Everything meaning not only matter, but also space and force as well. The entire Ferochromon is built from the Ferochromon Element. The spatial structures, materials, and dynamics of the Ferochromon are all derived from the Ferochromon Element. It is the most fundamental and unique ‘building block’ from which the Ferochromon is constructed.

The Ferochromon Element originates from that point of inaccessible infinity known as the Apex, which continually produces the Ferochromon Element in universal quantities. This is where we begin the story of the Ferochromon.

The Moment of Inception

An infinitely energetic, infinitely dense, discharge of the Ferochromon Element (henceforth referred to as FE) emerges from the Apex. This is time zero. At this instant, the FE's are infinitely energetic, infinitely compact, and completely interpenetrate each other in one unique location. All the FE's are identical and indistinguishable. They are completely Coherent (in phase with each other), and may be thought of as The Singularity. In this state, every FE is simultaneously matter, space, and force. It is the matter contained in itself, the space that contains itself, and the force acting upon itself. In fact, in this state, there is no distinction between space, matter, and force. They are one and the same thing; an infinitely compact and infinitely potent unity.

The interpretation of there being only one unique location is tautological in more ways than the reader might expect. At time zero, since the FE is space, outside this infinitely dense singularity of FE there is no such thing as space. Since the FE's have not differentiated yet, you may say there is as much space as there are FE's. But since they are completely identical at this point, there is nothing that distinguishes the location corresponding to one FE from the location corresponding to any of the other FE's; so there really is only one single location. Furthermore, at the singularity they are all completely interpenetrating each other, which means the distance from the location corresponding to any FE to the location corresponding to any other FE is identically 0. Hence, you may say there are an infinitude of locations but they are packed into a single point, which is equal to all the FE's. You may also say this infinitely-compact topology of locations (FE's) is infinite-dimensional space. But it is simultaneously 0-dimensional, there being no way to distinguish between any two FE's.

After the First Infinitesimal Amount of Time

This infinitely energetic, infinitely dense, infinite-dimensional singularity of FE's decayed—or, perhaps more descriptively, unfolded—into the Hyperether. The Hyperether came into being. The Hyperether is the innermost core of the Ferochromon in modern times. Back at this very beginning, however, the Hyperether constitutes the entire Ferochromon.

Since it is impossible to describe in finite steps how an infinitely energetic, infinitely dense singularity decays to a finite state, we will instead describe continuous events that happen simultaneously and continuously from the instant of the singularity.

As the FE's in the singularity unfolded, they separated from each other (you might say, they “exploded”). They dropped from the infinite-energy state, in which all their functions are completely indistinguishable, to finite energy states where their functions are now distinguished but still simultaneous. That is to say, there is now a difference between space, matter, and dynamon, but each FE is still simultaneously all three. But the decay from infinite energy to finite energy imbues each FE with a distinct energy level different from the others: they are now distinguishable from each other. So, in the infinitesimal time that elapsed after the singularity, there is suddenly space that is larger than a single point. The Hyperether occupies non-zero space.

(N. B.: remember that we are describing a self-contained, self-consistent universe that is independent from the Terran universe. Hence, terms like “energy” or “force” are used in an analogous sense, not in their strict denotations in the Terran universe.)


At this point it is important to understand the property of Coherence, that all the FE's still possess. Coherence is the tendency for adjacent FE's to assimilate to the same state. In the primordial soup of FE's that now constitutes the Hyperether, Coherence causes the FE's, which are now distinct from each other, to nevertheless differ from their neighbors only gradually, not abruptly. That is, they are now distinct and different from each other, but Coherence keeps their differences from their immediate neighbors minimal so that a gradual, continuous spectrum is formed, rather than a completely random, jumbled mixture of differing elements.

How is this continuous spectrum structured?

The Second Singularity

From the aspect of the dynamon (force) function of FE's, the decay from the singularity represents a divergence; and so the dynamon function of the FE's now resonate in the divergent mode. However, dynamon function is triple in nature, and so spontaneously and simultaneously, the divergence is balanced out by transmittence and convergence. This causes an ‘arc’ of dynamon function to come into existence: divergence at the point of singularity, which levels off into transmittence, and eventually ending up in convergence.

But, convergence being what it means, this causes the FE's to re-converge at another point, a point distinct from the original singularity, where they re-enter the Apex. Thus, the Hyperether is dipolar: the Divergent Pole is the singularity where FE's are injected continually into the Ferochromon, and the Convergent Pole is a second singularity where FE's return to the Apex. (The Apex is continually injecting FE's into the Ferochromon; thus the divergence rate exceeds the convergence rate, and thus the Ferochromon grows over time.)

The Universal Dipole

From the aspect of the lattice (spatial) function of FE's, the decay from the singularity similarly results in a spectrum of FE's in slightly different lattice configurations. Under the action of the dynamon function of the FE's, the FE's in their lattice function also forms a dipolar structure consistent with the dipolar structure of the dynamon function.

In fact, at this point, the two are tautological, since the FE's have not differentiated in function yet. This 'arc' of lattice function creates a dipolar space which may be thought of as having two sharp ends (the singularities) and a bulging middle (where the transmittence of the dynamon function induces spaciousness in the lattice function).

The Universal Flow

From the aspect of the chroma (material) function of FE's, the decay from the singularity results, just as with the other two functions, in a spectrum of material functions (note that matter is not yet distinct from space and dynamon at this point). Under the action of the dynamon function of the FE's through the lattice function of the FE's, a flow of FE's is established from the Divergent Pole to the Convergent Pole.

Note that this statement is, as should be unsurprising by now, tautological with our description of how the dynamon function of the FE's form a dipole in the Hyperether, and in doing so cause a flow of FE's from source to destination. These three aspects are really one and the same thing at this point, because although the FE's have become distinguished from each other, they are still simultaneously dynamon (force), lattice (space), and chroma (matter). So from whichever aspect you describe them, it is tautological with the description from the other two aspects.

In summary, at this infinitesimal instant from the singularity, we see that the Hyperether has formed with a dipole and two singularities, and there is a flow of FE's from the Divergent Pole to the Convergent Pole.

Differentiation of Function

The state of the Ferochromon as we have described it in the previous section remains unchanged over the next little while, except that the injection of fresh FE's from the Apex causes the structure to grow in size. So over the next little while, the Ferochromon, which currently consists only of the Hyperether, grows in scale, but remains the same in structure.

The Zones and the Interzone Disc

As it grows, however, a small but significant difference with its initial state becomes increasingly pronounced. Its increasing scale implies that the FE's entering the Ferochromon from the Apex now have an increasing distance to travel before they reach the singularity at the Convergent Pole. A longer distance implies a greater divergence, and hence a lower energy density when the FE's reach the midpoint in their path.

The shape of the Hyperether at this juncture may be imagined as a higher-dimensional equivalent of a spindle or an ellipsoid, with one axis longer than the others. The two singularities, the Divergent Pole and the Convergent Pole, lie on opposite ends of the long axis of this ellipsoid. Around the two singularities are regions of high energy density, called respectively the Divergent Zone and the Convergent Zone. Between these Zones lie a brane of lower energy density, called the Interzone Disc. FE's flowing from the Divergent Pole to the Convergent Pole pass from a region of high energy to a region of lower energy, and then to the other region of high energy. As the Hyperether grows in scale, the overall energy level in the Interzone Disc decreases. Eventually, the energy level in the Disc dips low enough for the FE's to differentiate into separate functions.

(Note that although the Interzone Disc is called a Disc, it is embedded in a high-dimensional space, and so may be more accurately visualized as a hypersphere of two lower dimensions than the space it is embedded in. Keep in mind, however, that the Hyperether is not Euclidean space, so this description is only a crude analogy.)

As we've implied in the previous section, FE's have three functions: dynamon (force), lattice (space), and chroma (matter). At time zero, these functions are in fact indistinct, everything being at infinite energy, infinite density, and zero size. In the previous section we saw that after the initial singularity, these three functions differentiated, but each FE still has all three functions simultaneously. Now, however, the FE's in the Interzone Disc have become low enough in energy that they can no longer have all three functions simultaneously.

The First Step in Function Differentiation

The first step in the differentiation of FE function is that each FE in the Interzone Disc now can only have one function at any given instant of time. They still have enough energy to alternate between the three functions spontaneously, but the net result of this alternation is that at any one instant, only 1/3 of the FE's in the Disc are dynamons (force), only 1/3 are lattices (space quanta), and only 1/3 are chroma (matter).

Now the relationship between these three functions manifests itself: the lattice is the space quantum, and mediates the interaction between dynamons and chroma. You may say the chroma resides in the lattice, and the dynamon perturbs the lattice and so indirectly exerts a force on the chroma. The relationships between the lattices themselves dictate the dimension and geometry of the space they form.

At this point, Coherence still holds, so the Interzone Disc is still a continuous spectrum rather than a region with random scattered matter. The Hyperether is now three-fold in structure: there are the two singularities at the two Poles with their associated Zones, and there is now the Interzone Disc between them where energy density is low. As the Ferochromon continues to grow, this Disc also grows in extent. Now the stage is set for the second step in the differentiation of FE function.

The Second Step in Function Differentiation

Eventually, the point of minimum energy in the Interzone Disc dips below the threshold of complete differentiation of FE function. The FE's in the Disc now differentiate into stable lattices, dynamons, and chroma. They can no longer inter-convert. FE function is no longer interchangeable: lattices in this state will remain lattices, dynamons will remain dynamons, and chroma will remain chroma. They are now fixed in these functions, until they flow into the Convergent Zone and pass back above the differentiation threshold.

Space, in a stable form, has come into being, together with the matter that flow within it under the action of the now persistent dynamons. Coherence still holds at this point, so matter in this new stable space exist as large, coherent clouds, shaped by coherent regions of force. The Interzone Disc is now differentiated into three regions: a low energy region where where stable space, matter, and force have formed, sandwiched between two higher energy regions where these exist interchangeably, beyond which lie the high-energy Divergent and Convergent Zones.

The structure of the Ferochromon now consists of the two singularities, the Divergent and Convergent Poles, with their associated Divergent and Convergent Zones, and the Interzone Disc between them, which is at a lower energy. The Interzone Disc has now stratified into two mid-energy regions and a low-energy region in between, where stable space, matter, and force have formed.

Over the next while, this structure continues to grow and expand, and as it does so, the energy level in the Interzone Disc gradually drops to the next critical threshold.

Differentiation of Mode

Now a new facet of the FE reveals itself. In addition to the three functions, lattice, dynamon, and chroma, FE's also have another intrinsic property called ‘mode’ or ‘color’. There are three possible modes, which manifest themselves differently depending on FE function:

  1. As chroma, the 3 modes manifest themselves as 3 colors: red, green, and blue.
  2. As dynamons, the 3 modes manifest themselves as 3 types of forces: divergence, transmittence, and convergence.
  3. As lattices, the 3 modes manifest themselves as 3 spatial orientations.

We have seen divergence, transmittence, and convergence at work in shaping the structure of the Hyperether at the very outset. In fact, at that point, FE function has not yet differentiated; and neither has mode. The formation of 3 distinct regions in the Hyperether is simultaneously a manifestation of dynamon modes, lattice modes, and chroma modes.

Now, it should be understood that the universal arc of divergence, transmittence, and convergence at the early moments of the Ferochromon only describes the statistical tendency of the FE's in their function across the Ferochromon. In the Divergent Zone, the divergence mode is more prominent, but each FE is also simultaneously functioning as transmittence and convergence. In the Convergent Zone, the convergence mode is more prominent, but the FE's are also simultaneously functioning as divergence and transmittence. These are tendencies, but there is no real distinction between modes at the smaller scale yet.

These tendencies, however, give us a hint at the underlying different modes that are now starting to become distinct, as the energy of the Interzone Disc dropped to new lows.

(It should be noted that after FE's differentiated in function, they no longer share the same energy thresholds for the differentiation of other FE intrinsics. Hence, the mode differentiation of lattices will happen at a different energy level from the mode differentiation of dynamons, and so forth. The various stages of mode differentiation of lattices, chroma, and dynamons are interspersed rather than occurring in lock-step.)

The Seeding of the Ethers

The first FE function to differentiate in mode is the lattice function. At sufficiently high energy levels, the three possible lattice orientations are one and the same. As energy levels in the Interzone Disc continue to drop, the three orientations become distinct from each other. Lattices in the Disc begin to exhibit differences in orientation. At this point, they are still energetic enough that they can freely alternate between orientations; but at any one instant of time, 1/3 of them are found in one orientation, 1/3 of them in the second orientation, and 1/3 in the third.

Lattices also still obey Coherence, so although they are spontaneously alternating between all 3 orientations, the statistical tendency is for the lattices of a particular orientation to be grouped together. The net result of this is that the Interzone Disc becomes polarized into three regions: one for each orientation. Within each region, lattices tend to be found more often in the respective orientation than the other two. Thus, the Interzone Disc is now tripolar.

Transmutational Hyperplasma

Soon after the initial stage of lattice mode differentiation, chroma (matter) also begin their first stage of mode differentiation. Prior to this, chroma existed in a pure, blinding white, with no difference in color. As the energy density in the Disc falls past the threshold for chroma mode differentiation, however, color differentiated. Suddenly, instead of being a pure, blinding white, chroma now exist in three colors: red, green, and blue.

At this initial stage, they still have enough energy to freely alternate between colors. The outer edges of the Interzone Disc turn from a seething white into a spectacular display of dazzling rainbow colors.

At this time, chroma is still at such high energies that they are delocalized and of indeterminate shape. This state is the transmutational phase of matter.

Divergence, Transmittence, Convergence

More time passes after the first stage of chroma mode differentiation, and then the dynamons also begin to differentiate in mode. Prior to this, there was no distinction in dynamon mode: divergence was convergence, and convergence was transmittence. They were simultaneous actions of the same force. Every dynamon exerted all three effects on matter simultaneously. Now, as energy density in the Disc falls, dynamon modes differentiate. Suddenly, dynamons no longer exert all three forces simultaneously: they are now alternating between the 3 possible modes. At any one time, 1/3 of the dynamons are found as divergences, 1/3 as transmittences, and 1/3 as convergences.

This differentiation broke the homogeneity of the Hyperether that has pervaded up to this time. Now, the outer edges of the Interzone Disc is no longer a homogenous continuum of seething FE's; the (partially) differentiated dynamons now cause matter flowing through the Disc to form into flowing cosmic streams, patterns of scattering from divergent centers, and eddies of convergence.

Nevertheless, dynamons still obey Coherence at this point, so these scattering, flowing, and converging patterns are literally universe-wide in scale. The Disc turns into a violently boiling ocean of energetic matter.

The Formation of the Ethers

A very short time after the dynamons begin to differentiate in mode, a major event takes place.

Lattice Condensation

The energy level at the outer edges of the Interzone Disc dips towards a major energy threshold. This threshold is the complete mode differentiation of lattices. The polarity of the lattices in the Disc become increasingly pronounced, and increasing percentage of lattices in each of the three regions of polarization are found in the respective orientation of the region. Eventually, a critical point is reached. The energy density at the outer fringes of the Disc is now low enough that lattices now completely differentiate in mode. They no longer interconvert between orientations, but are now “locked” into the prevalent orientation of their respective regions.

Now, differentiated lattices are in a different phase from undifferentiated lattices. Although the two are somewhat compatible, since undifferentiated lattices can freely interconvert into a compatible orientation, there is now a phase boundary between them. Furthermore, lattices that are locked into unlike orientations are incompatible with each other: they do not form coherent space together. Only lattices of like orientation can form coherent space. Hence, only lattices of like orientation can accrete together to form a uniform sheet of space. This accretion happens at the phase boundary of differentiated lattices and undifferentiated lattices.

In addition, since differentiated lattices can no longer form all of the inter-lattice connections they could in their undifferentiated state, and since inter-lattice connections determine the geometry of the resulting space, the differentiated lattices now form a lower-dimensional space from the Hyperether.

The net result of all this is that the lattices at the outer edges of the Disc condense into three distinct subspaces, each attached to the Hyperether. Each subspace is incompatible in orientation with the others, and hence they are completely disjoint. They remain attached to the Hyperether at the phase boundary where they first condensed, which now forms the outer limits of the Interzone Disc. These subspaces are of a lower spatial dimension than the Hyperether, and are called the Ethers.

The formation of the Ethers has far-reaching consequences.

Postponement of Complete Mode Differentiation

As the Ethers condense out of the Hyperether, some chroma and dynamons are trapped within them. (Remember, lattices are space itself.) They now find themselves constrained in a lower-dimensional space than before. This has a twofold effect.

The first is that the energy level of the chroma and dynamons is temporarily raised. This is because the energy is suddenly confined in a lower dimensional space. The components of energy that had free movement in the extra dimensions are now confined and forced to transfer over to the remaining free dimensions, thereby strengthening the per-dimensional energy intensity. This energy intensification causes the postponement of the second stage of mode differentiation in chroma and dynamons.


The second consequence is that the chroma and dynamons in the Ethers lose their Coherence. Recall that Coherence is the tendency for adjacent FE's to assimilate to the same state. Since adjacency is defined by the geometry of space, such a drastic change in geometry as the reduction of dimensions causes Coherence to be broken.

The result of this Coherence breaking is that the chroma are now decoupled from each other, and become independent quanta of matter. The dynamons are also decoupled from each other, and so no longer cause the universe-wide streams of matter flow as in the Hyperether. Instead, they become scattered, fragmentary regions of different forces, producing a large diversity of local matter flows, local divergences, and local eddies.

Decelerated Growth in the Hyperether

The formation of the Ethers also introduce three new spaces into which FE's from the Hyperether may flow. These spaces, being constituted of lattices in a different phase, are no longer constrained by the global arc of divergence, transmittence, and convergence that shape the Hyperether. They are therefore independent spaces into which FE's from the Hyperether may freely flow. As a result, FE's are now drained from the Hyperether into the Ethers, and the growth rate of the Hyperether is slowed.

One consequence of this slowed growth is that the convergent force of the Convergent Zone becomes much more felt by FE's in the Interzone Disc, including the Ethers. As we shall see, this eventually induces convergent streams in the Ether that transfer matter back into the Hyperether and into the Convergent Zone.

Growth of the Ethers

Because of the postponement of mode differentiation in chroma and dynamons, the Ferochromon remains structurally the same over the next long while. During this time, lattices from the Hyperether continue to condense onto the three Ethers, causing them to grow and expand in extent.

Besides the chroma and dynamons trapped by the condensed lattices, which break up in the Ethers into fragmentary regions of divergence, convergence, and flows, chroma and dynamons are also flowing between the Ethers and the Hyperether. The phase boundary between them is in constant dynamic flux: chroma and dynamons from the Hyperether are constantly impinging upon and entering the Ethers, and chroma and dynamons in the Ethers which are energetic enough, especially in regions of convergence where energy density is increased, “boil” back into the Hyperether and are caught by the convergence field of the Convergent Zone. Thus, there is a cycle of matter and force in the Ethers, with chroma and dynamons flowing in from and flowing out into the Hyperether.

Furthermore, even though dynamons have decohered, they are still resonant to nearby dynamons, and so are induced by the flow patterns between the Ethers and the Hyperether. This leads to a complex flow network in the Ethers, where the scattered regions of force are roughly organized in a way akin to blood vessels in the human body, channelling matter from the Hyperether through various divergent regions in the Ethers, through various transmittent regions, and eventually back to various convergent fields induced by the Convergent Zone, causing the matter to re-enter the Hyperether and continue on their way to the Convergent Pole. Of course, this structure is a lot more complex than in the Hyperether, because of decoherence. Matter often flows through many regions of divergence, transmittence, and convergence in no particular order, until eventually it ends up at a Convergent Zone induced region which brings it back into the Hyperether.


As the Ethers continue to grow from the accretion of lattices at the Ether-Hyperether phase boundaries, the far ends of the Ethers continue to drop in energy density. Eventually, chroma flowing through those regions drop to energy levels low enough to reach the next step of mode differentiation.

At this point, the transmutational chroma lose their ability to interconvert between colors, and become fixed in color. They enter into the hyperplasmic phase of matter. In this state, chroma is now either red, green, or blue, although they are still indeterminate in shape and extent. Chroma now mix and blend together in much more intricate ways.

Divergence, Transmittence, Convergence, Part 2

The Ethers continue to grow, and after another period of time, the energy density at the outer fringes of the Ethers drops low enough for dynamons to complete their mode differentiation.

Dynamons now split into 1/3 divergences, 1/3 transmittences, and 1/3 convergences. These low-energy dynamons can no longer interconvert between the three modes. The result is that regions of force in the outer edges of the Ethers now become more stable, unlike the constantly-morphing regions in the deeper recesses of the Ethers closer to the Hyperether.

The stage is now set for the final major structural development in the Ferochromon.

The Formation of the Realms

The Fixing of Extent

Now, a third intrinsic property of the FE manifests itself. This property is extent, which is closely related to shape and geometry.

Thus far, all the FE's, lattices, chroma, and dynamons alike, have been indeterminate in extent. They have been at energy levels high enough that each FE has no fixed boundary, but is like an amorphous cloud smeared over a large area of indeterminate size and shape. In fact, each FE can theoretically span the width of the entire universe, although practically speaking they are usually found to be concentrated roughly in a localized region, the extent of which depends on the energy level. In the Hyperether, energy density is high enough that FE's are theoretically energetic enough to be found spanning the width of the universe most of the time, especially in the Divergent and Convergent Zones. FE's in the Interzone Disc are “spread out” over a smaller area, although they still have the potential of finding themselves at opposite ends of the universe within an infinitesimal fraction of time. In the Ethers, energy density is yet lower, and FE's become mostly localized to a small area, although at the human scale this “small area” is vaguely the size of a galaxy, and so the FE still can't be located with any meaningful precision.

The lattices in the Ethers are ‘liquid’ in extent. Although they have fully differentiated in orientation, they are still of indeterminate shape and extent, and flow about like a fluid. One consequence of this is that the Ethers are highly non-Euclidean, and of a geometry that morphs over time.

As the energy density at the outer reaches of the three Ethers continue to drop, however, the extent of lattices continue to decrease, and each lattice becomes increasingly localized. It begins to vaguely take on a specific shape. Eventually, another dramatic change takes place.

Lattice Precipitation

The lattices at the outer reaches of the three Ethers reach a point where they begin to crystallize, or precipitate, out of the liquid state which constitutes the Ethers. Their extents become fixed, and they crystallize into vast sheets of space, in a third phase distinct from the liquid phase of the Ethers.

As before, this crystallization process involves another reduction in dimensionality. Being no longer of liquid extent, the crystallized lattices lose another level of connectivity, and so form yet a lower-dimensional space. This space, unlike the Hyperether and the Ethers, is of a fixed geometry, and is roughly equivalent to Euclidean 3-dimensional space.

Initially, this crystallization takes place at scattered regions in the farthest reaches of the Ethers. Isolated pieces of 3-dimensional space crystallize out of the flowing, liquid space of the Ethers. Over time, more lattices crystallize from the Ether, and bridge the gap between these pieces. In each of the three Ethers, these pieces of 3-dimensional space fuse together into 3 distinct spaces. The three Realms are born. Each Realm is attached to its respective Ether, which is distinct from the other two Ethers. Hence, the Realms are distinct and separate from each other.

The Newborn Realms

When the Realms first crystallize out of the Ether, the lattices that form these Realms hold energetic chroma and dynamons that are flowing through them. After the crystallization process, these chroma and dynamons are trapped in the confines of the newly-formed Realm. Just as in the formation of the Ethers, this causes the constriction of their energy into a lower dimensional space, resulting in a temporary increase in energy level. In fact, their energy levels are pushed back past the threshold for complete mode differentiation. Thus, the newly-born Realms are initially filled with burning, flaming chroma in their transmutational phase and high-energy dynamons that are spontaneously alternating between divergence, convergence, and transmittence.

Now, unlike the Ethers which can still freely exchange chroma and dynamons with the Hyperether, the crystallized lattices of fixed extent that form the Realms are incompatible with the liquid lattices in the Ether that are of liquid extent. Therefore, chroma and dynamons cannot freely flow between a Realm and its corresponding Ether. The Realms are insulated from the Ethers.

Nevertheless, the Realms are not completely isolated from the Ethers. Dynamons in the Ether close to the crystallized sheet of the respective Realm can induce dynamon-like effects in the Realm. An energetic dynamon in the Ether can also strike the Realm and temporarily partially decrystallize the lattices in a small region of space, so that it becomes permeable to chroma and dynamon flow. Depending on the nature of the dynamon that triggered this effect, this may cause a flow of matter from the Ether into the Realm, or vice versa. There are other Ether-Realm interactions which we shall discuss in due time.

The lattices that form the Realms are fixed in place, like a crystal lattice (hence their name), and so form an absolute frame of reference in the Realms.

Development of the Realms

The development of the large-scale structure of the Ferochromon has now reached its culmination. The Ferochromon now consists of the Hyperether, with its two Zones and the Interzone Disc, the three Ethers attached to the Disc, and the three Realms, each attached to its respective Ether. The lattices have reached a low enough energy level that there will be no further structural changes. The Ferochromon continues to develop in its details, but this basic structure remains.

When the Realms first precipitate out of the Ethers, they are filled with chroma and dynamons constricted back to high energies. This influx of high energy chroma and dynamons continues with the continual precipitation of lattices out of the Ether. As the Realms grow in extent, however, the overall energy density begin to drop, and eventually, the chroma and dynamons in the Realms fall back to their mode-differentiated state. The chroma revert to their hyperplasmic form, and the dynamons become fixed as divergences, transmittences, and convergences once more.

The Fixing of Extent in Chroma and Dynamons

It is worthy of note that the lattices that condense into the Ethers and the lattices that crystallize into the Realms do not ever return to the Hyperether, whereas a fraction of the chroma and dynamons that flow through the Ethers eventually will return to the Convergent Zone in the Hyperether, and be recycled to the Apex. Chroma constitute the largest percentage of FE's that are returned to the Hyperether; so over time, the ratio of matter to space in the Ethers is decreased. This indirectly causes the same ratio to decrease in the Realms. The decreased density of matter in the Ether means that less chroma is trapped in the lattices that precipitate into the Realm. So over time, even though the rate of lattice precipitation is maintained, decreasing amounts of fresh chroma and dynamons are introduced into the Realms via this route.

The falling the density of matter in the Realms over time implies a decrease in energy density. Eventually, this causes the chroma to condense into the plasmic phase, which is a liquid phase. In this state, the volume of chroma become fixed, and they become liquid. The Realms turn into gigantic vats of boiling color.

After another period of time, the dynamons also freeze in their extent, and become static fields of force in the Realms. These static fields shape and mold the liquid matter into vast pasty blobs of various sizes and shapes, and form streams of matter flow across the Realms.

Around this time, the lattices in the Realms undergo a final process: they now align themselves with a fixed polarity, or shape. This is the completion of the fixing of their extent. This causes space in the Realms to become directional, thus forming an absolute directional reference frame in the Realm. This reference frame fixes three lateral, planar directions, and two polar directions perpendicular to them.

The Earliest Continents

As energy density in the Realms continue to drop, the vast blobs of liquid matter and streams of flowing matter begin to condense into a phase known as the colorball state. In this state, chroma no longer have indeterminate shape but condense into spheres. Each quantum of matter condenses into a spherical shape. The Realms turn into a cosmic museum with giant piles of colored marbles, mixed with higher states of matter freshly injected from the Ethers.

This state is still not the final phase of matter, however. As energy density continues to fall, these balls of color begin to crystallize. Each chromon takes on a fixed polyhedral shape, and fuses and merges with adjacent chroma. The gigantic piles of marbles in the Realms now crystallize into vast chunks of solid crystal floating in space. The first continents are born. These first continents are characterized by sheer vastness and irregular shapes, being molded by the static force fields at a time when all space was filled with liquid. As we shall see, matter continues to flow between the Realms and the Ethers through other, slower means, giving rise to processes that form other types of continents which are smaller in scale and different in shape.

Besides the continents, there are also cosmic-sized streams of matter flowing along transmittent fields across the Realms.

Realm-Ether Interactions

Although the Realms are more-or-less insulated from the Ethers, this insulation is not total, and the Ethers continue to interact with their respective Realms over time. We now describe some of these interactions.


First of all, we should mention the relative timescale of the events that we've described so far. Events in the Hyperether are stretched across very large intervals of time, compared to events in the Ethers. Events in the Ethers are likewise stretched across large intervals of time compared to the Realms. Furthermore, time passes differently in the Ethers than in the Realms; relatively fast events from the perspective of an observer in the Ethers are rather slow from the perspective of an observer in the Realms.

Hence, changes in the Ethers are gradual over a long period of time from the perspective of the Realms. This is important to keep in mind as we describe Realm-Ether interactions.


One effect the Ether has on its respective Realm is that dynamons in the Ether close to the Realm induces the action of dynamons within the Realm. A region of long-term dynamon action in the Ether will eventually induce an instability in the corresponding region in the Realm.

These instabilities in the Realm show up as regions of anomalous energy density. If the energy of the instability has accumulated sufficiently, they may “catch fire” and “burn” spontaneously—high concentrations of dynamons will be present in the region, causing chroma to gain energy and turn into hyperplasma. The area literally bursts into flames, and appear from a distance as a shimmering sheet or cloud of flashing colors.

Such regions of instability rarely remain in the same place; the Ether is slowly flowing relative to the crystallized lattice sheet of the Realm, and so these unstable regions often migrate over time. This effect is known as Ether Drift.

Starbursts (Káleri)

As mentioned before, it is possible for a high-energy dynamon in the Ether to strike the lattice sheet of the corresponding Realm in such a way that causes the partial decrystallization of the Realm lattices, making it permeable to matter flow between the Ether and the Realm. Depending on the mode of the dynamon involved and the prevalent conditions in the Realm and the Ether around that region at the time, different phenomena may result.

A starburst, or Káleri, is created when a high-energy dynamon strikes the Realm from the Ether, and causes a flow of matter from the Ether into the Realm. Often, the ‘hole’ punctured by the dynamon in the Realm is unstable, and so will quickly collapse, resulting in a tiny burst of fresh matter in the Realm, or will be constricted, so that matter flows into the Realm slowly. This produces fountains and geysers when it happens on or in a continent.

Sometimes, however, the dynamon strikes the Realm lattices in such a way that the decrystallization is reinforced by the flow of matter through it. In this case, it becomes a chain reaction, and a tremendous explosion results. This is a starburst, a powerful explosion of fresh matter from the Ether.

The matter ejected by the Káleri is usually at very high energies, and in the transmutational or hyperplasmic phases. As they travel outwards radially, they lose energy and eventually form a spherical shell of matter around the starburst. These shells eventually solidify, and become inhabitable lands. However, one rarely finds a completely intact shell; the rate of matter ejection in a Káleri is rarely constant, and may fluctuate dramatically over time. Moreover, it is frequent for multiple starbursts to appear in proximity around the same time, with overlapping regions of ejecta. Hence, these shells are usually broken up into smaller, irregular splinters that eventually cool down to form smaller, inhabitable landmasses.

Since Káleri are formed by the action of dynamons impinging upon Realm lattices, it is quite common to find them in regions of instability.

Whirlpools (výi)

Another possible effect when a dynamon strikes the Realm lattice sheet and causes a partial decrystallization is to induce a flow of matter out of the Realm and into the Ether. When this happens, a whirlpool, or výi, is produced.

As with the Káleri, the most common výi are unstable, and tend to only last a short time or have only a gradual flow. Sometimes, however, a runaway chain reaction is triggered, resulting in a massive, galaxy-sized whirlpool that consumes all nearby matter, swallowing entire continents. The consumed matter may be re-injected into the Realm through a subsequent Káleri, or it may be carried away by an Ether flow that eventually takes it back into the Hyperether. All matter that falls into a výi, however, generally undergo extreme shearing and compressional forces, and evaporate into hyperplasma before re-entering the Ether, so re-injected matter will not even remotely resemble its former state.

Just as the Káleri, the výi is usually found near or in regions of instability, since that is where dynamons in the Ether are interacting the most with the Realm.

The Káleri and the výi together form a continent-recycling process that erodes older landmasses away and creates new ones in their place. Over time, this has eroded away most of the initial landmasses that formed during the precipitation of the Realms from the Ethers, and replaced them with smaller landmasses formed from fragmented shells of Káleri that have since become extinct.


Sometimes, instead of impinging on the Realm, dynamons in the Ether induce a self-sustaining interaction that is parallel to the lattice sheet of the Realm. This often has no visible effect other than what looks like a perfectly ordinary stream of matter flow across the Realm; but once in a while, when the conditions are right, a special phenomenon is created.

This special phenomenon involves a convergent chain reaction in the Ether, parallel to the lattice sheet of the Realm, that acts as a ‘tunnel’ through which matter is channelled. Usually, these tunnels are unnoticed, as they exist only within the Ether. However, occasionally enough convergent force is induced at one end, and enough divergent force is induced at the other end, that a convergent ‘hole’ and a divergent ‘hole” is created in the corresponding positions in the Realm at each end, serving as an entrance into and exit from the tunnel. Objects in the Realm can be absorbed into the entrance, travel through the tunnel under the transmittent force in the Ether, and be ejected out the other end through the exit. The convergence around the tunnel in the Ether preserves the structure of the object that is so transported, and so it effectively acts as a teleportal connecting two locations in the Realm.

Furthermore, sometimes a twisted pair of tunnels are created in the Ether, sharing entrances/exits at either end. These can then act as two-way teleportals. Generally, two-way teleportals are much more reliable than one-way teleportals because the twisted-pair configuration is self-stabilizing, even though it is much, much rarer.

The formation of teleportals are, unsurprisingly, more frequent near regions of instability, and appears to depend on the presence of landmass/empty-space boundaries in the Realm. The tunnels formed usually connect two points on the same landmass, or two points on two adjacent landmasses, on the sides facing each other. Realm lattices at landmass boundaries appear to be warped in such a way that when there are suitably-aligned dynamons in the Ether, a resonance is induced that causes convergent dynamons to form the self-stabilizing tunnel structure. The reverse sometimes also happen: a tunnel is induced in the Realm with its ends connected to the Ether, causing matter from the Ether to flow through the Realm. These ‘inverse tunnels’ appear to be related to the boundaries of regions of concentrated matter in the Ether. Visually, however, it is indiscernible from streams of matter flow that are caused by dynamons in the Realm itself.

These ‘full-fledged’ tunnels, of course, are the exception rather than the norm. (Which is why visitors to the Ferochromon are strongly advised to avoid using random portals of unknown reliability.) Quite often, one finds that a tunnel-like resonance appears to be building in the Ether but due to factors such as insufficient initial reinforcement or incompatible distances or geometries of landmass boundaries, it either fizzles out or becomes an unstable, one-ended tunnel of which the other end is unconnected or fades away in the middle of the boiling hot Ether. Such incomplete tunnels may still induce entrances or exits in the Realm, but attempting to travel through them can well be fatal.

Even a full-fledged tunnel may be somewhat unstable, and may collapse suddenly without warning. Anything travelling through it at the moment of collapse will be unceremoniously dumped into the Ether, minus the protection of the convergent fields.

There are also long-range teleportals which are associated with transmittent streams in the Ether. Unlike the tunnels, these are connected to unprotected Ether streams, and require the traveller to possess the necessary protection from the effects of the Ether and the skills to navigate through its path.


This brings us to the present state of the Ferochromon. After the Eras that have passed since the precipitation of the Realms, they have undergone a long process of erosion and landmass formation. The contents of the Realms now, structurally speaking, consist of scattered landmasses of various shapes and sizes, streams of flowing matter, regions of instability, and the Káleri and výi. What remains of the oldest landmasses and giant continents have cooled into large rocks of dark color. A large number of landmasses are now inhabited by the Ebisédi, but their story belongs in another tale.

Last updated 06 Feb 2018.

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