
An astonished Hrmitt

Help! A UFO landed in my backyard and a one-eyed green alien popped out, speaking a language I don't understand! What do I do?

A Hrmitt smiling and waving his claw Have no fear! The Hrmitt Grammar's here! We'll getcha sorted with communicating with your unexpected visitor in no time at all.

Want to say something witty to your alien visitor, but forgot the right word? Look it up with this handy-dandy online Hrmitt lexicon lookup tool!

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Also, check out how many words our linguists have ferreted out from our bug-eyed visitors so far!

Hrmitt lexicon growth chart


How on earth do you pronounce Hrmitt?!

Short answer: [xʀ̥miθt]. (Say what?!)

Long answer: when on Earth, Tutki. Except, don't actually say that, especially not to your alien visitor. Unless he happens to be the bumbling one we call Tutki. It's actually an insult, you know. And not even grammatically correct. And most people don't even say it right. (It's [ˈtuθkɪ], not [tʊtkɪ].) Yeah, it's complicated. We warned you this was the long answer!