The Cuboctahedron

The cuboctahedron is a uniform polyhedron bounded by 14 polygons (6 squares and 8 triangles), 24 edges, and 12 vertices. It is edge-uniform, and its two kinds of faces alternate around each vertex, so it is also a quasi-regular polyhedron. It may be constructed by truncating a cube or an octahedron at the midpoints of its edges (this process is known as rectification).


The cuboctahedron can be bisected by a plane parallel to two opposite triangular faces to produce the triangular cupola (J3), a Johnson solid.

Two triangular cupola
forming a cuboctahedron

The dual of the cuboctahedron is the rhombic dodecahedron, a Catalan solid.


In order to be able to identify the cuboctahedron in various projections of 4D objects, it is useful to know how it appears from various viewpoints. The following are some of the commonly-encountered views:

Projection Envelope Description

Parallel projection centered on a square face.

Regular hexagon

Parallel projection centered on a triangular face.


Vertex-first projection.


Edge-first projection.


The Cartesian coordinates of the cuboctahedron, centered on the origin and having edge length 2, are all permutations of coordinates and changes of sign of:


The cuboctahedron occurs as cells in a variety of 4D uniform polytopes:

Some CRF polychora also contain cuboctahedral cells, including (but not limited to):

Last updated 06 Jan 2023.

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